This afternoon I finished Addie’s second pair of short socks.

These are so pretty! I hope she likes the short socks. That’s two pairs I’ve made for her. I’m going to wait and see if she likes them before I make more. I’ll take them with me in August, see what she thinks, and take yarn so I can make long or short socks . . whichever she prefers.
dezertsuz says
I think you’re wise to check first, but who could resist these cute socks?
Valerie Zagami says
Adorable and I know she will love them!
Nelle Coursey says
Those are very pretty! Won’t be long before you will be wearing the same sizes!!
Penny Holliday says
I like them & hope Addie will, also. So pretty yet so fun!
Jen says
I really like that rolled top.
Val says
I think that my 10 yr old niece might like these Judy, would you.share.the pattern name again please?