Gotta love that girl!
When we were in Arkansas, I was knitting on a pair of socks for Addie. I called Nicole and asked her to measure Addie’s foot. She called me back and I think she told me it was 8″ but I’m not sure now. I finished those socks and am working on another pair so I wanted to be sure I remembered correctly.
I found a chart online that sizes for a child’s size 2 shoe, which is what she wears, her foot should be about 8.125″.
I wrote her and asked if she remembered how long Addie’s foot is. Here’s what I got back!

What? 29 or 30?? Oh, my goodness.
I can’t say much. There was a time when (sorry – this is an ex-husband story) … we had sold our house and we weren’t sure the deal was going through so we hadn’t done a whole lot to find a place to live and then we found out that we had to be out by the end of the week (or something like that – I can’t remember). We were going to build another house so we needed a place to live for probably 8 or 10 months. Everything around Lake Charles was booming at the time and finding a rental was impossible. I called a friend at a bank and asked if they had any repossessed mobile homes and they did. It was pouring rain, I met him out at the lot to look at it. It was a very nice mobile home – 14 x 80, which was big back then, but it was leaking at one spot in the kitchen and the back door was completely busted. That night, husband and I discussed it. I made the guy at the bank an offer of about half of what he was asking for it and he took it. Husband told me to go measure the busted door, go to the mobile home supply place, get a door and meet him at the lot where it was parked and he would change that door. I measured . . measurements according to Judy . . went to the mobile home place, bought the door, went out to the mobile home lot. Husband took off the old door, got the new door out of the pickup. By now, it was dark . . the door was not even close to the right size. How many size doors do they have. He wasn’t happy — old door off . . no new door to put on. He measured and obviously his measurements and my measurements were NOT the same. He went the next day and bought a new door.
So, when it comes to bad measurements, I am not one to criticize.
njgrl4ever says
As my good friend always says, “There is a reason why he is the EX husband.”
Rebecca in SoCal says
Even if she had gone metric, that would have been too long!
Nelle Coursey says
Been there, done that!! Like they always say, measure twice, cut once!!
dezertsuz says
I guess I’ll take that to heart when I measure for the front screen door. LOL She said 8, for some reason I remember that, I’m pretty sure! I think it’s on your blog from the last pair of socks.
kim pavventy says
For some reason giant red clown shoes have popped into my brain!