One thing that appears to be happening, with this new lifestyle, is the ol’ brain seems to have shifted into another gear. I have read this could happen and it apparently seems to be coming true for me too. Even at night, my brain is producing more vivid dreams, some of which, I am not at liberty to share! 🙂
It seems that, for so long, life as been fairly routine. During the weekdays, I would get up at about the same time, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch some tv, fall asleep in the recliner and snore (I added this for Judy), go to bed and do the same thing the next day. On the weekend, I would try to get a few things done around the house but the evening were again spent in front of the tv being entertained. Of course there was the “occasional” shopping in person or online. But really, that was how most of my time was spent.
Now, there is constant change. I can’t think of one aspect of our everyday life that is not changing in some way. In contrast, I read about or see people who retire and they find themselves lost. They lived for their jobs and now they don’t know what to do with their time. Or they lived in some fantasy world built around status, a title or position and now no one really cares what or who they once were. Fortunately, I never fell into those categories. I think that’s why I am having more fun now than ever and the health style modifications are only accelerating the desire to do and make changes for the better.
Watching tv has gone from being entertained to using it to learn more things that can be applied to everyday living. Of course, there is a bit of entertainment viewing still occurring. Changing what we eat has given me more energy and, hopefully, on the path to reversing or delaying chronic health conditions. The elimination of disposable income has caused me to better evaluate every purchase and decide if it is truly needed or just a “deal”.
Finally, I can do: what I want (well besides a few Judy dos), when I want and experience individual freedom and choice without some new fad politically correct edict overshadowing everything I do.
So where am I going with all of this? I was thinking about some scientific principles that I learned about years ago in physics but never really applied them to everyday living. Newton’s first law of motion states, an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. I have gone from being at rest to staying in motion and I am changing directions based on all the new things I am learning and applying. A man named Leonard Sweet once said, “What is the difference between a living thing and a dead thing? In the medical world, a clinical definition of death is a body that does not change. Change is life. Stagnation is death. If you don’t change, you die. It’s that simple. It’s that scary.” I have adopted movement and change as the basis of life going forward and stagnation, hopefully, is a thing of the past.
The weather was really nice here in the later part of the week. I repaired my small tillers and used them to break up the ground around the fruit trees. This allowed me to apply the first dose of fertilizer for the year. I also broke up a new area in the garden that will, hopefully, be more tolerable for the blackberry plant.
Finally, I worked in my shop. It is a mess and the opportunities to minimize and organize seem endless. My goal is to get to the point where I can find what I am looking for when needed and make an area where I can have my lathe setup once again.
Elle says
Hey Vince, about the blackberry. They spread like wildfire. Had we truly understood this, we would have installed a “fence” around our blackberry patch area when we started it. I can’t find the source right now but it said to insert a metal fence going down about 12 inches.
Food for thought 🙂
Donna says
Vince so glad you’ve got this retirement thing down! Too many people I know have not enjoyed retirement because of the reasons you stated and also because they aren’t willing to change and evolve!
Dottie says
Wishing you luck in your shop…..Seems like we are constantly at odds with hubby’s shop and my sewing areas. Some day, maybe we’ll be organized 🙂
bewtjwgmailcom says
glad you are doing so good, retirement is fun!
Sharon says
Stay active….it’s key! My grandmother lived into her early 90s. Had we not forced her to give up yard work and driving (for her own good, or so we thought) she probably could have gone on longer.
dezertsuz says
This sounds great, Vince! Sometimes I’m guilty of letting the things I think I ought to be finishing dictate pressure on me, but I am learning that the pressure all comes from me, and I can stop it whenever I want to!