About this time last year, I planned to make a Hitofude for a friend. I started it and never got very far . . about 13 rows to be exact. Since I was familiar again with the pattern after knitting Nicole’s, I brought my friend’s Hitofude with me. Somehow, one end of the needles got pulled out far enough that I had a mess. Last night after everyone went to bed, I tried to get those stitches back on but gave up and ripped it all out.
When I went to start over, I realized (1) I needed to do a provisional cast on and didn’t have a crochet hook with me and (2) I had no yarn to use for waste yarn. I ended up taking a plastic drinking straw (who says they aren’t valuable?), cutting it to make myself a crochet hook of sorts. Then I fished the previously used waste yarn (from the previous progress) out of the trash and re-used it. Not a great way to get started but I got started, knitted way into the night, and have knitted a bit this morning.
I’m now back where I was and hopefully can stick with this til it’s finished and not abandon it, have to figure out where I left off and risk dropping stitches again.
I do love this pattern and for those of you who like the looks of this sweater, I encourage you to try it. In the beginning, it all seems so intimidating but it really is quite easy.
Teri says
OMGosh the pattern is only $1.88….well worth getting….what size did you make Nicole….
Mandy says
Hi Judy love reading your blog from Australia. A dear friend once gave me a tip to stop my knitting falling off the needles. Try using the humble elastic band and wrap it around the end of both needles or each needle, it stops the stitches popping of the end and are easy to remove ready for next time.
Nelle Coursey says
A very lucky friend!
dezertsuz says
A very pretty blue yarn for a friend who will feel even more blessed to know you. =)
JEAN says
Oh no! I’m sorry you had a fall-off! You are a wonder! It’s always such a delight to read your posts! Thank you.
-Jean <3
DonnainKS says
Quit laughing. Envy has replaced laughter! Your skills/talent and a fortunate friend. Admirable!