I suppose all cats are lazy, right? I had never been around cats until Boots showed up. He doesn’t seem extremely lazy. Cat is terribly lazy. Chad’s cat, Mr. Kitty, . . I seriously think that cat wants someone to hand feed him because he’s too lazy to walk to his food bowl.

If Speck is trying to play, Mr. Kitty will go somewhere and hide but otherwise, he’s asleep under the table.

Oblivious to everything . . except Speck. I can’t believe he doesn’t get on the kitchen counters and he goes outside to go to the bathroom. You hardly know he’s in the house til he gets hungry and then he’s very vocal.
He isn’t an unfriendly cat but he isn’t nearly as friendly as Boots. They can pick him up and hold him for a few minutes but then he wants down and goes back under the table to sleep.
If we ever end up with a house with no detached buildings, Boots will be an inside kitty. I sure hope we can train him to stay off the table and countertops. Not sure I could survive a cat in the kitchen.
Cilla says
Those folded paws are adorable. He’s a beautiful kitty.
vivoaks says
I grew up with cats my entire life and we never had cats on the counters. They learned early on that they weren’t allowed there, and they aren’t stupid. I’ve had cats that climbed my back while I was doing dishes and end up on my shoulder, but they were never on the counters. We also had two kittens that we got during the summer that would always jump on the wood stove. When winter arrived, and the stove was in use, believe me…it didn’t take long for them to realize they had to stay off!! One of them was a bit slower and actually jumped on it twice before learning, but the other one, it only took once.
Sherrill Pecere says
Mine has never gotten on the counters (though he will jump up on the table if I’m doing something at the table). He’s not much for holding or sitting in the lap. He likes to be near and at most might have a paw on my leg but only for a few seconds! HA My 1st hubby’s parents had a cat that had to have her water in a little paper cup by the sink (but she meowed for it to be put in the cup, couldn’t be sitting there waiting). That cat was a PUNK!
Rebecca says
I’ve never had cats that got on the counter, but there was one (I can’t remember which) that was very hard to train to stay off the table. But I did it! Cats and food do not mix!
They also didn’t beg while we ate (except one…I just could not train my husband!)
Nelle Coursey says
What a pretty kitty. The trick to keeping them off the tables and counters is to put aluminum foil or something they don’t like to step on, on the counters and table tops.
Cilla says
I’ve used the aluminum foil and it does work
w jordan says
Like others I’ve had cats all my life and never had counter issues. Now the one we have now goes to door when needs to go to bathroom and meows out he goes and does his business. He will use litter if it is raining and can’t get out but that is often. Now counter he did climb way up the other day we found him on top of cabinets way up topnext to ceiling. Had him get done and scolded him hasn’t done it again. Hubby is here with here with him all day so he says he sleeps 23 hours a day. He will play with his toys for about 20 minutes (we keep in the catnip bag ).We get a big kick watching him play. He weighs now about 19 lbs. He is a big cat. but the vet told us he would be due to his bread. He is a chinese short hair. Purrs so loud , talks to you and gets big not fat big. I have had time picking him up he is so long and big. Oh and he doesn’t shed hair at all either big plus. We call him George. but looks like Garfield attitude like him too.
Sherry in NC says
When I had a cat, I don’t remember her ever getting on counters or table. She did not like to drink water from her bowl. She would get on the bathroom sink and meow for someone to turn the water on and drink from the faucet. My husband didn’t like her and the feeling was mutual. She would mostly hide when he was home. But was very affectionate with my son and I. She loved to lay in my arms on her back like a little baby. When my son laid on the floor on his stomach, she would get on his back and go to sleep there. So cute. She lived to the ripe old age of 18 and I still miss her.
dezertsuz says
They mostly go where you let them go. We have a spritzer and train them by spraying water in their faces. Ammonia is recommended, but I didn’t want to do that, and water works with ours.