Addie drew this picture on the chalkboard.

It’s me with a frown and pain coming from my knee. This should be the ad for what “affordable healthcare” is NOT. It isn’t affordable and it certainly isn’t health care since I have to meet a $7,500 deductible and since the knee injections that were helping my knee are not even covered and since my premiums were over $1,000 per month but thankfully (joke!), the new premiums for 2019 have gone down to about $900 per month.
Five more months til Medicare and then I can get something done about this knee and Addie can once again draw me with a smile!
Sandi B says
I am sorry, Judy. Praying for relief and a smile soon!
Donna says
Ice it Ice it Ice it. That helps mine Doesn’t cure it but helps.
Linda in NE says
The medical costs and insurance costs are a national shame. People are suffering because of those industry’s greed.
Marie says
Hope you get some relief on your knee . Have a new knee and a new hip all on right side for 2018. Just be careful till you can get in.
dezertsuz says
Ouch. It’s bad if a six year old notices!
Cathi Harry says
I’ve had medicare for years
It’s pretty affordable and covers about 80% of costs. I also have a prescription drug plan so my premiums are around $200 per month.
Carolyn says
WOW that’s a HUGE deductible! mostly for Catastrophic things I guess. DH needs his knees done. we found a Dr uses computer digitalization of the knee to replace the joint. Rather than shaping the bones to fit the apparatus. Supposed to be a faster recovery.