Just took another load out of the freeze dryer.
Eight pints of strawberries, along with an olive jar of strawberries. That’s part of the beauty of the vacuum sealing gizmo that Vince fixed up for me. I can seal any kind of jar with a lid.
Also, two pints and two half pints of sprouts.
The freeze dryer certainly gets a workout at our house. I don’t usually use the automatic defrost cycle but today I am because I have so much waiting to be freeze dried and it takes longer to let it defrost manually. Next up . . more strawberries, mushrooms and kefir.
Judy H says
I remember you saying that the strawberries didn’t have a good flavor. Is it intensified now that they are dried?
Rebecca in SoCal says
My thought/question, too.
dezertsuz says
Yay, good things for munching!