Yesterday afternoon, out of the clear blue, Addie said:
Addie: I have so many chores.
Me: What are your chores?
Addie: Putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Vacuuming, make my bed.
Me: But look at all the stuff your mom has to do!
Addie: Huh? She lays on the sofa and watches TV while I do all the work.
Oh, dear. She sounds like she would be a good husband. That’s how they think!
Then, she said “Oh, I’d better get my vacuuming done.” Nicole is still at work so no one told her to vacuum.
Then, when she decided to vacuum the sofa, I didn’t want to laugh at her but I couldn’t help myself.
She even knows how to take the container off and go dump it.
I’m not going to say that’s more than many husbands can do! 🙂
I guess now that Addie has done all the work, Nicole can ome home and fall asleep on the sofa while watching TV. Oh . . wait . . that’s after gymnastics, dinner and cleaning the kitchen and probably doing three loads of laundry tonight.
Carolyn says
Good for Addie! I never thought about cleaning furniture like that… I might just give it a try. I now her Mom appreciates all Addie does to help. It also sounds like Granny is having a blast.
Joyce says
I laughed when I saw the vacuum on the sofa. That looks like the hard way to do it!
dezertsuz says
Sounds like it’s time for “Take Your Daughter to Work” day! Or “Let’s Follow Mom Around the House” day.
Twyla Starr says
Good for Nicole and Chad giving Addie chores. I never have resented my mother having me help her and teaching me at the same time how to take care of our home. She taught me to take care of my things as there might not be another chance to have something.