Yesterday afternoon Vince said he was going to pick apples. I looked out the window and knew exactly what was happening.
He was throwing defective or damaged apples to the chickens.
If there’s a treat involved, those chickens are there! I guess the next few days I’ll be putting up apples.
Erin says
That’s the best description of country life! Love it!
Rebecca in SoCal says
I immediately thought of the (freeze-dried?) caramel apple slices I’ve seen in stores. Yum!
Then I thought of the cinnamon apple slices and remembered you have already done apples. I’ll be watching this space to see what you do with your new crop.
And…picking apples! It brings home how out-of-sync we are here with seasons. We are JUST (a couple/three weeks) into summer where we know it will be short-sleeves warm every day!
Susan says
I wondered about your apples when you mentioned the other fruits!
Nelle Coursey says
But you are supposed to rest your arm!