We bought Curious George for Addie a bit over four years ago and they have been constant companions. Addie will start kindergarten in August and I’m starting to get concerned about what she’s going to do about George.
She loves him and has a real, maybe too strong, attachment to George. For a while, I thought she was gettin better, but apparently not.
When they were here last summer and she was going to knitting with me, as we were leaving the house, I said “Don’t forget George!” and she said “He can stay here!” Really? Yep, he stayed and she was fine but I think that was a rare occurrence.
Those two are inseparable.
Yesterday Nicole had to be at work early so Chad got Addie up and dressed and took her to daycare on his way to work. When Nicole picked her up, Nicole said Addie started crying and said “I’m so mad at daddy!” Through the sobbing, Nicole finally figured out that Chad forgot to bring George to day care.
I asked Nicole what is Addie going to do when she starts to school. She said she thought about trying to find a Curious George backpack but I think she’s just so used to carrying George around that she’s not going to like not having him to hold. I told Nicole that when I’m there next, Addie and I can talk about her leaving George at home . . tucking him into bed or sitting him in a chair so he can watch the door and wait for her to get home. Maybe I can find some brown terrycloth like material and make just a little square that she can keep in her pocket . . something that feels like George and reminds her that he’s home safely waiting for her.
I think it’s funny, in a sad kind of way, that she’s so attached to him. I’m wondering if, when she got to daycare, she couldn’t remember where she left George and was worried. Chad had taken her to McDonald’s and maybe she wasn’t sure if she had taken him in there and left him. I have no idea but I hate knowing she was so upset and I’d like to come up with a solution before school starts. No need to add more stress to a first day of kindergarten!
Any suggestions?
Erin says
They usually can bring their special friend in a backpack and hang the backpack on a hook ask the teacher our granddaughter did that – she still has Freddie- she will be graduating eighth grade June 19th! She said Freddie (a frog) will go off to college with her and if she ever gets married will sit right there!
Teri says
The idea of sitting him in a chair so he can watch the door and wait for her to get home is a great idea….
Janice says
Maybe you can find a mini George that can be clipped on the zipper of her backpack and he can be her school George.
Melissa Raddetz says
For our daughter it was a sock monkey. She was the only niece/granddaughter and was gifted with beautiful stuffed animals in white, blush and pink but never gave them a second glance. It was that silly sock monkey from first sight. We always say we hope she finds a man that she loves as much as she loved that monkey. My husband says that will be the theme of his wedding speech/toast one day. She’s grown now and on her own but that monkey still sleeps on her made bed every day. Seems so silly but that’s how it is.
Terri Schanz says
My granddaughter has a pink piggie that she is very attached to. When she started kindergarten, I think they let her bring her piggy to school in her backpack, but was only allowed to take it out during sharing time. Eventually she started leaving it at home. She’s in first grade now, and sometimes she takes Piggy to school and leaves him in her backpack, but she also loans him out on occasion. My husband has been in the hospital and she brought Piggy in when she came to visit him and left him there because he would “make Papa feel better.” Addie will probably always love George best, but she will learn that he’s safe at home and she will do fine without him when she’s away.
Nelle Coursey says
She will be fine. Sometimes kids do these things and when they see the other kids with nothing they want to be like them. She will work this our. I like your idea of telling her George doesn’t need to go to school and he will be waiting for her when she gets home. My grandson had a squirrel he carried around all the time. Alicia still has him, he is so threadbare you can hardly tell what he is! Pat also had a rabbit he called Rubby! He rubbed all the fur off him but we still have him also! LOL
Susan says
Let her decide on her own when she’s ready. She can take him to kindergarten and even first grade – it won’t hurt anything, *good* teachers will not make a big deal of it. If other children tease her, she will either ignore them, or decide on her own to leave him. It isn’t at all unusual to have this kind of attachment for a stuffed animal, a blanket, a book, or something else. I wouldn’t be concerned, or make a big deal about it. It’s within the realm of normal behavior. =)
Karen Kunte says
There’s a book called “The Kissing Hand” to help kids seperate from their parents. Maybe that would help her to leave George. Just a thought. (Ps no affiliation just another Grandma). Should be available on Amazon.
Judy Laquidara says
Ordered it. Thanks!
Rebecca says
No suggestion, but I was wondering about George when you posted those last pictures of Addie fishing! I hope kindergarten goes well for her.
Karen Sutton says
My son had ‘Snoopy’, a stuffed version of the Peanuts character. That dog went with him everywhere – he still has him tucked away somewhere and Tony is 50! My granddaughter had ‘Rabbat’, a stuffed bunny that went everywhere and got left more places than I can count. When they visited we were always doing a last minute search to make sure Rabbat was in the car for the return trip. I think your idea of a special place for George to wait when Addie’s at school is the best idea. As I recall I explained to Tony that ‘pets’ weren’t allowed in school and Snoopy would have to wait at home. He wasn’t happy but it worked.
wanda j says
Judy I’m having issue with site. Some times when I click on notify me everything clears out and goes to next story.
Joyce says
What about taking a photo of George to keep in her backpack? She can look at it and know that he’s patiently waiting for her every day when she gets home.
Carol Williamson says
This made me smile. My son is 11 and has had “doggy” since he was 1 month old. The dog has gone everywhere with him. He is so worn that I have finally convinced him to leave him on the bed, yet tonight I went out and there was doggy, sitting on the couch watching. Enjoy watching her. We homeschool so I don’t have to worry about him taking him to school but anywhere else, to him, is fair game!
marcille says
I was going to suggest the same thing as Joyce, a photo of George and Addie to keep in her backpack, along with the piece of fabric. Also, maybe a little body spray for her and George-if you spray George with it and then her outfit for the day, the scent might comfort her. It works with babies when separated from their mom.