There were only a few rows left to finish on the Winter Rose (second pair) so I got those done before leaving Louisiana.
I love making socks two at a time on one long set of circular needles.
I don’t do them two at a time because it’s any quicker . . it may or may not be quicker. I do it because they come out perfectly matching as far as size. The length of the feet will be the same. The length of the heel will be the same. The length of the leg will be the same. Yes, I could count 20 or however many rows and make sure I do the same on both socks but I start talking or daydreaming and totally lose track of my counting, even when using Knit Companion. Sometimes I can make 20 rows and that might be 3″. I tend to knit more loosely when I’m in a hurry and tighter when I’m watching TV or talking so the next time I make 20 rows, it might be 2.75″ or 3.25″ but if I’m knitting two at the same time, the tension is pretty consistent from one sock to the other. Maybe the knitting on the leg will be a little looser at the top than at the bottom but it’s never noticeable . . unless one sock is visibly longer or shorter than the other one.
Another good reason for knitting two at a time . . no second sock syndrome. Finish the first one and the second one at the same time!
There’s no harm in knitting one at a time or however you prefer to do it .. I’m just sharing my preference!
By the way, this is the oldest yarn I have from Eat, Sleep, Knit. It was ordered in February, 2008 and finally, it’s been used! There should be a badge for that! 🙂
Judy D in WA says
I love those! I only do 2 at a time now but I use 2 circular needles. I keep saying I’ll try them with one but I haven’t yet. LOL I like having them both finished at the same time. And I knit so much in the passenger seat and was dropping a dpn all the time. Now if I drop something, I can reel it back up. 😉
Yeah for another skein gone from the stash. Room for a new one.
Joyce in Oregon says
Love these! I’m 2” from finishing my first pair of Winter Rose socks and about 4” from finishing Magnolia. My goal is to have them both finished by the end of April. Also bought the Tabouli pattern and swatched for stockinette. Now going to practice the lace cable. Thanks for taking us along down your rabbit hole! 🙂 Seriously, you’ve added a lot of good things to my knitting life.
April R says
They are so pretty. I wish I liked wearing socks just so I could try to knit some but nope, I really dislike wearing socks, especially with no shoes on. Even with shoes, I want something I can’t feel. I was that nightmare kid that couldn’t handle the feel of the seam across the top of my toes. Stretched out socks are the worst! lol.
Now blankets I LOVE so I’ll just stick to quilting. lol
Nelle Coursey says
Love your new socks!!