I so rarely . . like once every two or three years . . remember my dreams and when I do, I’m so excited. Thursday on the news they were talking about the wildfire danger right now. I guess that sparked my dream (no pun intended!). I dreamed that because of a fire, we had to evacuate and we went to our neighbor’s, which is not very far away . . walking distance. We took all the chickens (about 40) and had the chickens, two cats and Rita in my car. We drove up to the neighbor’s and the man said “You are not bringing chickens in the house!” The lady whispered “As soon as he goes to sleep we can bring them in. Just leave them in the car for now.” Like . . they would ever let chickens in the house . . like I would ever evacuate with chickens in my car and like I would ever dream of bringing them inside anyone’s house!
The man went to sleep and she and I were each carrying two chickens at a time and were quietly trying to get them in their house. He came bounding out of the bedroom saying “I KNEW this is what was going to happen so I was just pretending to be asleep.”
She and I were sitting in the living room floor, busting out laughing (there’s often wine involved when we’re at their house); we let our chickens loose accidentally and he was running around chasing them.
Then I woke up. I was trying to tell Vince my dream and I was cracking up. He didn’t think it was funny! I guess you had to be there! I suppose it’s a good thing I don’t remember my dreams very often . . he would probably have me committed.
Yesterday I was texting back and forth with the lady and . . very briefly . . the thought ran through my head and I thought “it was so funny last night with the chickens” and then I remembered . . it didn’t really happen! But, I’m still smiling thinking about us sitting in her floor cracking up and those chickens running loose and him chasing them.
Kate says
Judy, your heart is in the right place, even if your mind is in the looney bin ! During the California fires, one lady evacuated a Cat Sanctuary, up in the mountains. She had 19 cats in carriers. She contacted a kitty rescue group in San Francisco Bay area, and we set up, with help from the local Petsmart, 19 cages, litter boxes, and food/water bowls in someone’s garage. She got out just in time. By the time she reached us, she got out of the vehicle and burst into sobs. But all people and cats were saved . I love that you worry about your chickens ….
anniequilts says
Well, I thought it was funny. I’m sitting here laughing at the mental picture I got from your dream,ha,ha!
Joyce says
Dreams are such funny things! Some of mine make me laugh too. My favorite type of dream is that I’m looking at houses/apartments, and I go in and the house/apt just keeps getting bigger. I’ll go through a door and there will be more rooms beyond that. Crazy! (Especially since I’m NOT looking to move!)
Rebecca in SoCal says
I laughed! As Anniequilts said, the mental picture is just too good: 40 chickens in the car?! A man chasing chickens around his house while you and the wife sit on the floor laughing! It’s funny to me.
Nelle Coursey says
That is funny!! I have been having some really weird dreams lately but I don’t remember them after I am awake for a while! Really strange stuff! Usually wen I am tired or sick is when I dream.
Trina says
My husband says I laugh in my sleep. I wonder what I am dreaming about.