It was a good day. No purchases. I did make a monetary donation but it was to an organization Vince and I had already talked about supporting and there’s money budgeted for donations.
Vince has a prescription to pick up and we’ll soon need chicken feed, both of which are in the budget, but I have to go to Abilene next week so I’m hoping he’ll go out and get those things while I’m gone next week. I do not want to have to go to town over the weekend. Goin to town probably means buying things we don’t need or maybe even eating out.
Unless we have some crazy spending over the weekend, which I don’t anticipate, I’m not doing a budget report. In fact, I think I’ll just do month reports unless we have something interesting to report.
Carolyn says
Neither of you probably haven’t heard an old saying from the depression…Use it up, Wear it out, Make do and Do without. It is the best way not to spend or to break a habit of spending if that is truly your goal.
Susan says
No, no, weekly reports! =) I know we’ll miss the good stuff otherwise. =)