You all know I never get really angry at Vince and even when I do, it doesn’t last long. When I started to write this post, I didn’t want anyone to think he went out and worked on my plants so I wouldn’t be mad at him. He actually never knew I was frustrated with him about the freezer.
I had wanted to transplant the older ginger lilies from pots to the ground and see if they would grow better in the ground. I think they will. I hope they will. Last week I tried transplanting them in the area where Vince had already tilled but since they had been in bigger pots, they needed a bit deeper hole and once I hit the dirt that had not been tilled yet . . hard as a rock.
The already tilled space was pretty full already . . mums, irises, and onions.
Careful to skip the spot where a water line is buried, Vine tilled up some new ground for me.
Hard to see it in the shadowy picture but I had 8 pots of plants. I whacked off the tops, divided some of the rhizomes and now I have 20 ginger lily clumps in the ground.
Mom still has two or three that she found left in her yard and she’s going to give me those next time I’m there. I’m anxious to see, assuming they all live, if any of my new ones are the same as mom’s.
If everything I have planted survives and thrives, I’ll have the ones that mom grew, plus some I ordered that I think are like mom’s (white and very fragrant), some that are white-ish but not the same, some orange-red ones, and some peach ones.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
As Vince was helping me with them, I said “You know when we move, we’re taking these with us!” He said “yep” and somehow, I think he was saying “We ain’t leaving!”
We had a friend that came over Sunday afternoon to get some eggs and he kept going on and on about how much he loves our place. I wanted to say “STOP! If you keep that up, we’ll never move!”
Valerie. Zagami says
I can’t wait to see this garden in bloom!!
wanda j says
Yep I think that is the plan. Vince is trying to convince you to stay put this time.But I understand wanting to be close to family. I’m so blessed now with mine being next door. And no we don’t bother each other. may go days without seeing each other but we know we are next door if a need comes up. Like when the water heater busted and flooded their house and we were able to help. Then my bathroom sink pipe busted and they helped. Even when water heater went out. So being close to family is good. Just maybe Chad and Nicole can move here to our state We have plenty of Walmarts and other places to work. Just kidding I know they love it where they are now.