This morning I was determined to get a good picture of Cat. I took about 40 pictures . . she just won’t be still long enough for me to get a picture that isn’t blurry. Considering how she looked when we first saw her, and how scared she was . . we only caught glimpses of her every now and then . . I can’t believe how far she’s come in about 2.5 years. I still haven’t tried to pick her up but if she’s in the mood, she will come to me when I call her. I still cannot walk up to her and touch her . . she has to come to me. She’s recently started to let Vince pet her too. It’s rare for her to hiss at us. She will if I get too close to her . . she can come close to me but I can’t go close to her . . sounds like a one sided relationship, right?
Without some photo editing, you’ll just have to pretend my foot isn’t in the picture.
She’s such a pretty cat but she’s a bit evil . . I guess that’s why she’s managed to survive in the woods. Her claws are so darned sharp and she’s so fast . . when I start to walk away and she isn’t ready for me to go, she grabs hold of my foot and I walk away with a bloody ankle. I’ve tried to watch her and see if I can anticipate before she grabs me but she’s too fast and if she sets her mind to grabbing me and holding on, she’s going to do it.
She’s really a good cat . . so long as she gets her way and no one crosses her.
mageez says
sounds like a true tortoise shell. the vet called mine a terrorist.
clmharper says
I agree… tortoise have attitude!
Lisa G Boyer says
One worker at the Humane Society where I visit swears that Torties have a definite attitude…she called it a “Tortietude.” Cat is so pretty close-up! She looks well-cared for, even if she is a bossy boots.
Sue S says
We went to the local shelter for a cat and found a gorgeous Tortie who bit me before I knew what was happening. So we picked up a nice gray cat who was very shy but did let me hold her. She has settled in and developed a ‘Tortie junior’ cattitude — she’ll lay on my lap, let me pet her, etc., but when she’s had enough, she’s had ENOUGH and I get a little smack. Sometimes with claws, sometimes not. Dogs have owners, cats have staff.
Joyce says
She has become a very pretty cat. She has definitely found a home with you!
Pauline Kennelly says
It took two years for the “dumped & pregnant” tortie to gain the trust of our cat. Now, we both consider her the smartest, best cat we’ve ever known or had. She strictly a house can now, Hides from any company or from a vehicle that goes down our road. (which is rare because we’re so remote and in a sparsely gated community. She will get on the bed with us, but never jumps up on a lap, UNLESS it has a quilt on it. Then you can’t keep her off.
It’s been at least two years since she hissed at us or clawed us. One picture of your cat looks as if she’s had her left ear clipped? A sure sign she’s been fixed.
Sherrill says
I used to have a cat that looked just like Cat! She was very sweet though, unlike the others everyone’s mentioned. My naughty “Siamese” (whose mommy was calico) is the baddest boy ever. He’s 16 now so guess he’s mellowed just a tad but still can be grouchy. That’s why his name is Fang! Had him since he was a little kitten.
quilting1954 says
It seems to me you got a cereal cat. Your lucky she’s allowed you to touch her in the time you’ve been together. Beautiful cat though!\
Melinda says
For some reason makes me think of this hysterical youtube video:
Dorothy Matheson says
I have a torti and a dilute torti that are half sisters. The full torti will not be close or let me pet/scratch her head the dilute (gray torti) loves to be held and scratched all over. Both will ask (churp) for attention. Linda and Libby. I do love them lots. However the bad kitty in the family is the orange and white beautiful one. He climbs everywhere and pulls items off shelves/top of things. Such a bad cat. If you shake a finger at him or tell him no he will bite or scratch. He fights will all the other cats and finally became such a problem he is now an outside cat. Follows me all over outside. Loves to be patted.