Summertime has arrived and it’s been hot and dry. One thing for sure . . it’s only going to get worse for the next few months. I think our next decent chance of rain in the long term forecast is towards the end of July . . makes it really hard to keep the garden growing. I’m guessing that by the first of July, I will have given up on everything but the tomatoes.
This morning I picked beans – quite a few green beans and anasazi beans. The anasazi beans probably need to be pulled out. The hail just beat them up but I’m letting the beans that are on the vines mature. I thought I would pull them out this weekend but just never got around to it and there are enough small beans left on the vines that in a week, they should be mature. The squash . . goodness, how does that stuff grow so fast. There are squash bugs everywhere so I’ll spray this evening. I only use Neem oil mixed with castille soap so I can keep harvesting even after spraying.
I got the beans shelled and snapped and I’ll start canning them in the morning.
Tomorrow I’ll probably start another batch of zucchini pickles and probably grate a bunch for the freezer for making zucchini bread.
As far as knitting goes, last night I got to the 56 stitch point on my Workday Scarf and started decreasing. I’ll save that for doing at my knitting group and while waiting at the doctor for my “needling” the next two weeks.
I did get my Wollmeise Pure wound into a cake and I may start the Nordnordwest shawl tonight. I can’t stop thinking about it so the best thing for that is start it . . then something else will come along and I’ll stick it on the back burner. That’s what generally happens. Hope not with this project.
Monday mornings always bring lots of motivation. Vince is back to work and I have the house to myself and a full week ahead with lots of enthusiasm for what I might get done. By the end of the week, I’m usually dragging and wanting to sit in the chair and knit. I have a busy morning planned so let’s hope I hit the deck running in the morning.
marcille irwin says
You sound a lot like me with my quilting projects…which explains why I have so many unfinished. I really need to tackle my list of UFOs that I put together at the beginning of the year to work on along with you. I’m always ready to get so much done on Monday, when I get home from work I have a plan of attack, and yet somehow I am very often sidetracked and by the end of the week my list looks pretty much the same as it did on Monday morning. (And of course on the weekends, I have house cleaning, laundry, etc. and I don’t have to work too hard to convince myself that I deserve some relaxation time.