That one little bantam hen is about to get the best of me.
She’s been in Box #6 for over a week. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. I was thinking . . maybe she can tell if the eggs are fertile and progressing and maybe she keeps leaving the nest because the eggs aren’t doing anything. NO! She’s leaving the nest because she’s confused or trying make me crazy!
I went out just before lunch today and here’s Box #6. Thirteen eggs . . no mama chicken!
Maybe she was out stretching her little bantam legs! I went outside and looked for her. Then it dawned on me . . she’s simply switched to a new box!
Yep . . there she was . . Box #5. No more. She now has golf balls. She can sit on 7 golf balls til her final days at my house but she is getting no more eggs. I left the others in the box to see if she comes back to them within the next few hours but if not, I’m tossing t hem and she’s just blown her chance to hatch any more eggs!
I wish I’d kept count but I’m sure I’ve thrown out at least 40 eggs because of her. She’s hatched babies 4 or 5 times before and she’s never done this.
Carolyn says
Bless her heart!
Joyce says
Chicken confusion…
Carolyn says
looks like dinner to me!
Eileen Wheeldon Eisner says
I need a chicken lesson.