Sounds like something to eat, doesn’t it? I have no ideal what Afetos means. Wait . . I’ll google it. I used Google to translate so if I’m wrong . . don’t blame me but afetos means affection. How sweet and very appropriate.
So . . Afetos is also a shawl pattern that I saw on Ravelry a couple of weeks ago. It was a free pattern at the time and I haven’t checked to see if it’s still free. But, it was love at first sight and as I was digging through the stash to find yarn for another project, I found these two and thought . . ahh . . perfect!

Yarn for Afetos
But as I began to look at project pages, I realized knitters were using 450+ yards for the main color and the Soctopus (green) yarn only has 433 yards. Heck, that’s what it says and I’m not measuring but lately, so many of the skeins I’ve used have fallen short on the weight and I’m wondering about the yardage and not trusting anything when the requirements are very close to what’s stated on the skein. Then I saw this one where she used two yarns for the main color.
Back to the stash for more digging or . . should I just order yarn? Tough decision but I went back to the stash. The only green with two skeins was this:

Yarn for Afetos
I love that green but not with the other yarn.
Then I saw one skein of Wollmeise Fruhling, which was given to me a few years back by a blog reader. But, one skein is about 510 yards, and that is still cutting it close, though I trust Wollmeise to have the correct (or even more) yards on their skeins. Since I could use two slightly different colors if needed, I think this will work.

Yarn for Afetos
My plan is to use the Socktopus yarn for the striping and then use the Wollmeise yarn for the larger sections and I think that will give me all I need. Some of the project pages list how many grams they used in each section and that is very helpful when trying to decide if I have enough yarn.
OK . . I have a plan . . now all I need is lots of time!
Connie Robison says
Oh Boy, is that pretty. Can’t wait to see your “finished” pictures.