You’ve all heard that statement . . just because you can doesn’t always mean you should? I think I’ve just taken that to new levels.
I figured Nicole, Addie and I will all have shirts to match. I knew Chad wouldn’t wear a shirt with hearts on it but . . what about . .
. . would he wear underwear with hearts on it? How’s that for cute? 🙂
I figured Addie would get a kick out of her daddy having underwear to match shirts she and mommy have. Chad . . he may not be so excited about it.
He can’t say I didn’t make him anything and no one can say I’m not using up every square inch of the fabric I have!
Chad may end up really liking the underwear. I read the reviews about the pattern and they were all positive – everyone who has been gifted a pair says they love it but . . would someone say they didn’t love it? Chad would! 🙂
Soon enough, I’ll have his opinion and I’ll let you know what he says.
Frieda Z says
Are you making all these things with just your cover stitch or are you doing part of it with the serger? Really cute!
Moneik says
OMG! I love how resourceful you are. It will be interesting to hear what he thinks.
Laura says
I can’t wait to hear his reaction! 🙂
mkhquilts says
LOVE the underwear!!! LOL! I’m sure Chad will get a kick out of them!!!
Katherine Williams says
How fun!
pattilynn9 says
Are you leaving Vince out?
You’re doing a great job, I’m impressed!
Tam says
What is pattern brand and number please?
Connie Robison says
I thought your cat was too funny, but matching heart underwear. That really is too funny
Teri says
OMGosh my husband thought they were hysterical. He want to know if they get worn.