This morning I was rushing around to get things done so I could go sew . . laundry started, bread kneaded, lunch done . . and I thought .. that Vince is a lucky man because all I really want to do is go sew but I’m making sure he has clean clothes and a yummy, warm lunch.
Then I realized . . it’s me who’s lucky! He’s off at work when he’d rather be home playing with some of his hobbies, while I’m home doing pretty much only what I enjoy doing. Things I don’t enjoy, or at least can’t find a way to get through fairly easily are scratched off my list pretty quickly.
The truth is . . we’re both pretty lucky. Life isn’t always a bed of roses . . but you know even the roses have thorns! 🙂 We find a way to work through our differences, truly enjoy so many of the same things and at the end of the day, even though there are sometimes harsh words and an occasional slammed door, we’re very happy together and with our life. Without happiness, not a whole lot matters and our days would be pretty miserable.

For the lucky man coming home to have lunch with his lucky wife, we’re having beef stroganoff (beef is already cooked in the pressure cooker), spaetzle, asparagus just picked from the garden this morning. The second load of laundry is done. The bread is rising.
I am going to the sewing room for the next 1-1/2 hours!
dezertsuz says
You are both VERY lucky. =) Your lunch looks good, too.
Sherrill says
You guys are lucky to have each other–it’s a good fit!!
Paula says
My husband and I make good fishing partners. I get up and hand him the shrimp for his hooks, so he doesn’t have to over tax his bum knees. He sits by the motor and patiently unhooks my fish so I don’t have to get my hands all slimey! ?
Dottie says
WOW – lunch looks/sounds AWESOME!! And y’all are truly lucky to have each other in your lives.
justquiltin says
Fresh asparagus from the garden — my favorite — lunch looks wonderful
Lisa G Boyer says
Yes, you are so lucky to have each other! Thank you for reminding me that I need to tell my husband how much I appreciate him today.