Last week when I was frantically cleaning and dropped a 5 pound bag of flour on the floor .. the dark wood floor with the crevices where the wood goes together . . 5 pounds of flour to clean up. No, really it was probably only about 2 pounds because some of it did stay in the bag, but it had become one of those “poor, pitiful me” weeks anyway and I was already on the verge of tears. When the bag hit the floor, my first thought was . . where’s my camera? This will make a great blog post, but I was too aggravated to even get the camera and think of trying to make light of the situation.

I was in Aldi the other day and when I came upon the flour display, I had to laugh. I thought . . only after having dropped a bag of flour would I see the humor in this.
Any other day, I would have walked right past that mess of flour on the floor and not thought anything about it but after having made the same mess it made me smile.
As I was driving home, I was thinking how much our own life circumstances affect our views . . our political views, our views towards others, family, finances. Sometimes (too often), I don’t think about why people think so differently than how I think but it’s all about life experiences and what we’ve been taught/experienced.
I have continued to think about this for several days. I’m sure great minds have done lots of research but it only took a bag of spilled flour to get the wheels turning in my head.
Last night I was thinking . . why do I feel the need to:
- Grind wheat to make flour?
- Spin wool to make yarn?
- Cook everything from scratch?
- Start seeds in the greenhouse weeks before planting them in the garden, or for that matter . . have a garden at all?
- Have chickens so I can get my own fresh eggs?
- Grow our own fruit?
Why am I not content to go to the store and buy all these things? It has to be something in my past . . something I’ve experienced. I went to bed googling “why do I feel the need to . . “.
No answers yet but let’s just hope I don’t stumble across another bag of spilled flour any time soon. That has created some rather deep thoughts! 🙂
Dotti says
I think your answer is in your sentence, need. You really don’t need to do those things. You want and enjoy doing those things. You gain satisfaction from making good food for your family and there is a creativity within you that loves to make beautiful things. Lucky lady. Continue on, we enjoy your journey.
Jean S. says
I’m the same way. I grind my own wheat, spin my own yarn, make and sew quilts, etc. etc. I do it because I am a maker. That is what keeps me happy and gives me a sense of accomplishment. Mass produced is okay for things that don’t matter, but for my home and myself, I want to produce whatever it is with my own hands. It’s not particularly cost effective, it takes a lot of time, but that’s my entertainment and gives me purpose. I watched my grandmothers do it because they had to. I do it because I choose to.
Dar says
Not very deep but my first thought was… because you can. ?
Melody Wathor says
Perhaps you admire your grandparents, whom I suspect were very self sufficient. That generation held that quality in high regard. My grandparents did. I loved them so and especially my grandmother inspired me in so many ways.
Dottie says
There is (at least to me) a feeling of accomplishment when I can do something as opposed to just buying something. And, it definitely makes me feel good.
Connie Robison says
Because you can taste, see, and feel the love that goes into doing these things. I think it makes a huge difference.
Diane Steele says
How about this idea from this “woo-woo” lady in California: something from a past life urged you to do things “from scratch” or compelled you to teach/inspire others to do so. Whatever the reason, I know I’m not the only one who appreciates what we learn from you.
Tricia Sagen says
You always share wonderful memories of times you had at your grandparent’s house. Seems like you want to keep those comforting memories going!
dezertsuz says
I don’t have an answer for the why, but I know that if comes to HAVE to, you’ll be the most prepared woman around. No stress for you to learn all those new things. You’ll just keep on doing what you do!