The pattern is Jack of the Green and it’s the mystery sock for the Sock Knitters’ Anonymous group. I love it when I’m making a pattern and I never want that pattern to end. This is one of those patterns!

Jack of the Green
The photo was taken very late last night . . bad lighting . . chunky thigh . . but it’s a gorgeous sock so far. Absolutely gorgeous but I do love cables!
The yarn is so soft. I hope it holds up for socks. It’s Lolo Did It Plush Socks and lots of people have used it for socks. If it does hold up well, this could be my new favorite sock yarn. It doesn’t matter though . . I can never buy yarn again! When I go looking in the stash for yarn, I tell me myself “NO MORE YARN!” but then the yarn shops and indie dyers show more yarn and I cannot help myself .. I must have more! It’s an addiction but I suppose there are worse addictions, right?
I’m actually doing two socks at once on separate needles .. not really two at a time but I did Clue 1 (cuff) on one sock and then on another set of needles, did the second sock. Now I’m doing Clue 2 (leg) on one sock and then will do it on the other sock so I’ll get them both finished about the same time . . in theory! 🙂
Clara says
Do you exclusively wear your knitted socks every day? Or do you have more utilitarian socks that you wear when you work in the garden?
Judy Laquidara says
I do have lots of socks but I give away lots of socks too. I do wear utilitarian socks with boots and I usually have plain white socks on if I’m running around in the house with just my socks on.
carol fun says
I also tell myself “No more yarn”… but I don’t listen well…LOL! As far as vices go I figure it’s not immoral or illegal, it may not be inexpensive but 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
Judy Laquidara says
I love your thinking but I got the “we’re going to be retired soon . . STOP buying yarn!” speech just this afternoon.
Joyce says
This is the time to buy yarn…it’s your retirement fund! (That’s what I tell myself.)
Pat Peele says
These are lovely! How many sock drawers do you have? I can do basic knitting but never felt the urge to do socks. My vices are paper crafts and dishes! My husband is an excellent enabler.
Laura H says
Judy, could I have the link for the supplier for that flat sock form that you use in your photos. I have friends hurriedly needing to have sock photos taken.
Laura Haynes
Judy Laquidara says
Laura, I have several flat forms and I don’t know which one you’re asking me about. Send me a link with a picture of the one you’re talking about and I’ll see if I can remember where I got it.