Here’s a sad story if ever I heard one!
First, we have another little celebration this weekend and we have friends coming over. I’m taking Prednisone and antibiotics for this never ending tooth problem so I cannot drink. I seriously thought about delaying starting the meds til next week but figured that wasn’t a very safe or mature thing to do but dang it . . we always drink wine and get crazy . . or, I should say . . as crazy as we get, which isn’t very crazy at all. So, now, I’ll be the fuddy duddy who doesn’t have even one glass of wine. Stupid tooth!
Second, I cut my finger yesterday. Not a serious cut but it’s right where touching the “o” or the “l” on the computer is really painful and I find myself not wanting to touch those keys and while I’m hesitating to touch them, I’m making weird typos. How can a tiny little cut hurt so much?
All the scaly stuff is liquid bandage that’s now coming off. I was cooking and kept painting the liquid bandage on to try to stop the bleeding.
I suppose if all my troubles are as small as not getting to drink wine and a tiny little cut on my finger, I’m a lucky girl! But still . . who would think I’d still be suffering with a root canal from 5 or 6 weeks ago and a teeny little cut would be hurting when I type?
OK .. now you know I’m a wimp . . and a complainer too! 🙂
Dottie says
No, you’re not a wimp or complainer – you are just ready for things to be NORMAL!!! Too many things to do and no time for HURT!!
Linda in NE says
I know you want to hang on to your teeth, but having it pulled would probably remedy the problem. I just wish I hadn’t chewed all that sugary gum back when I was a kid. I’d probably have better teeth now. Tooth problems are the worst!
Valerie Zagami says
Your troubles are your troubles and we all have them so you have a right to complain. Not sure which is worse no wine or cut finger! Get better..
Claudia wade says
I use the liquid bandage too for the tiny cuts that appear out of nowhere on my fingers in the winter time. If I am super careful to keep 2 – 3 coats of liquid bandage on the cut for a few days, they heal up. That is the only thing that works for me.
Carolyn says
The next time you get a cut put some turpentine on it. It will not get sore.
pattilynn9 says
Ouch! and Ouch! So sorry.
quiltingholliday says
So sorry, Judy! It’s ok to talk about your problems! Now don’t you just feel a little better talking about those problems?
obed101 says
I cut my finger on a tomato can last week and thought I would bleed to death! I was to the point of calling my neighbor to come help me get it bandaged. I thought maybe calling an ambulance for a tiny, yet prolific, cut would be overkill… to speak.
Carolyn says
DANG I do not want to hear that you are STILL having root canal problems, I go on Monday for one. It’s killing me….. As for your cut I hate those. nothing stays on…. Chapstick helps w the healing but you have to get it past the bleeding stage.
Susan says
I feel your pain. I had a tooth that the dentist tried 3 times to do a root canal treatment. When the third try failed he sent me to a root canal specialist who told me the problem is the very end of the root can’t be reached using the regular method. He said he would have to approach it from the side or bottom by cutting into the gum and that there was no guarantee that it would work. We instead opted to have the tooth removed and it was much less costly.
Sometimes the little cuts on our fingers hurt the most.
Rebecca in SoCal says
You are making me so very thankful that the one root canal I have had was easy and effective!
Cuts from dull or rough edges hurt (think paper cuts), and right in the middle of your pointer finger! I’m surprised you’re blogging. The liquid band-aid sounds worthy; I have cut myself in the kitchen twice recently, and neither of them was convenient for typical bandages.