No . . a trip isn’t planned . . yet. Does anyone want to guess how long it’s been since I’ve seen Addie? It’s been 7 months! That’s about 5 months longer than I’d like! Really, it’s about 6 months, 3 weeks longer than I would like but I’m trying to be reasonable.
In the Fall, they would always go to Nicole’s parents so Chad could work on his food plot for hunting, and then they were always up there hunting and then the holidays started and the shopping frenzy meant few days off for Chad and he was tired and grumpy and having a visitor in the house was aggravating for him, and then as soon as Christmas was over, the snow and ice was a problem, and then they were busy with the move and . . here we are! I’m so ready to go.
They haven’t even had time to get internet at the new place so I haven’t video chatted with Addie in over a month. Over the weekend Nicole and I were talking and she asked Addie if she was ready for Granny to come and visit and Addie said “Yes! Right NOW!” That’s what I was thinking too! Right NOW!
But there’s a doctor’s appointment here and I’m still dealing with these blasted root canals and may have to go back to San Angelo.

Brownie Snowball Kit
This Brownie Snowball Kit may just be what causes me to say “To heck with it all”, pack my bags and start driving. I want to make these with Addie. Right NOW!!
If I don’t go soon, then the garden and fruit trees are going to be a full time job. I do . . I need to go Right NOW . . don’t you think?
wanda j says
I think right now too. TO HECK WITH ALL THAT STUFF. SHE IS ONLY LITTLE ONCE and time passes so fast these days. Go for it.
Dotti says
So, are you packed? No more excuses/reasons, she needs you as much as you need her! Well, you probably more than she. Besides, think of the postage you will save. And thinking of you, you have enough food prepared ahead that Vince won’t starve. Be off with you. Go, now……safe travels.
Karen Sutton says
I agree – go, go, go. Before you turn around twice she’ll be in school full time.
Ranchwife says
Have a safe and fun trip! 🙂
pattilynn9 says
Pack them bags and burn rubber! haha! GO.
Sherrill says
Yes you do!! So just DO IT!! LOL
Deb P. says
Go now, she will just be getting older, in school and then there really is not a good time!
Dottie says
Yep, sounds like it’s time to GO!
Sue in Desert Hills (Phoenix), AZ (formerly in Scottsdale, AZ) says
Drive safely and have lots of fun. Oh, you’re still home – well, get going now!
Linda in NE says
Yes! Pack a few things and go! Addie’s not getting any younger and you don’t want to miss too much of this stage of her life. When our two littlest grandkids were actually asking for “Old Grandma & Grandpa” to come play with them you can bet we went. That’s how they differentiate use from the other grandparents who are “Libby-Milly Grandma & Grandpa” because they have two dogs by those names. Little kids can be so cute.
Cilla says
YES!!!!!!! Never know what will happen tomorrow so live for today. GO!!!!
Diana G says
Yes go before she grows up..My granddaughters are 19 shes married, 16 going on 34 and 10 going on 21. So yes take the time and go …..
Paula says
Go now! To heck with root canals. The trees and garden are , however, important, so go before they need you!
JudyL says
I’m guessing you’ve never had a root canal gone bad. It’s painful and getting too far from my endodontist is probably not a good idea til this is all cleared up. Just yesterday I began another round of Prednisone and 10 more days of antibiotics. Now, not only am I dealing with the tooth pain but the effects of taking Prednisone for 6 days.
I’ve been dealing with these root canals for almost 2 months and I wish I could say “heck with root canals” but they’re honestly affecting everything I do. I wish I had never let my former dentist replace those two crowns a year ago!