Friday, my friend and I started sewing about 8:45 a.m., broke for lunch, then started again and sewed til just before 4.

Purple Skirt
We each made purple skirts with pockets for our granddaughters. Then, from a silvery sparkly aqua fabric with bees, she made a skirt for her granddaughter and she cut one out for me to make the same skirt for Addie. While my friend was sewing the skirt, I made Addie a pair of capri pants from the Curious George fabric.

Curious George Capris
I had to guess at the length, based on the picture of Addie wearing the skirt, so they may or may not be the correct length. If not, Nicole can fix them or I can fix them when I’m there or, she can wear them for pajamas and any length will be fine.
We had fun sewing and were quite productive.
I’m going to finish the handwork on the dress I made for Addie and get it all in the mail to her this week.
pattilynn9 says
The Curious George fabric is really cute. Addie will love it!
dezertsuz says
And here I thought it would be quilt blocks! Silly me. =) Addie is getting pretty big!
Diana G says
how adorable on all .. I thought I was done sewing for the granddaughters when at Christmas they asked me for a home made bag and a quilt. Shocked me as they told me they didn’t like the homemade stuff (out of the mouth of babes ya know).