When I make blog posts like this, I hope no one thinks I’m complaining. It’s really all kinda comical how everything goes so well and then . . BAM . . a day when everything goes wrong!
I’ve mentioned before that when I first stumbled across blogs and began blogging, there were a few who were constant complainers . . husband is grumpy . . house is too small . . family is too far away . . oh, wait . . that’s ME! 🙂
Seriously, I never wanted my blog to be about my ranting so even when things go wrong, I try to make light of it. Please see this as a funny post and not as I’m feeling sorry for myself.
First, today was my knitting grop day. I look so forward to spending half a day with some fun ladies and my good friend and I usually run around town and do some errands together after knitting. Yesterday evening I felt a little bad but decided to wait til this morning before making a call about whether to miss knitting. This morning I still didn’t feel great and who knows . . with so much sickness going around . . IF I’m coming down with something, I don’t want to expose anyone else so I’m stayed home today and missed my fun Tuesday with the knitting girls. It ended up that enough of us couldn’t be there that they cancelled the meeting.
Second, finishing a project is always kind of a . . not a downer, but I’m so fired up to get it finished, get it blocked, get it photographed and then once it’s done, I have to make decisions about what to work on next, find the yarn and get started.
After finishing the big shawl, getting it blocked and photographed . . it was decision time again. I have one project that I work on with my Tuesday knitting group. It’s something I can do while talking and not paying attention so I didn’t want to work on that at home. I have a couple of sock projects on the needles but I wasn’t in the mood for socks. Sock Madness is coming up so I spent some time going through sock yarn and trying to decide what I might use. It helps to get that all caked up ahead of time. Most of yesterday was spent trying to decide what to work on. So, nothing was really accomplished yesterday.
Last night I decided to work on one of my Loopy Academy projects. Two projects remain. I have Addie’s sweater and a beaded shawl. I decided I would work on the beaded shawl.
I got the yarn out. Got the beads out. Got the pattern out .. the pattern calls for size 6 beads and I ordered size 8 beads. They might work – I played with them and the yarn a bit, but I think size 6 would be better. I had two packages of gold size 6 beads but when I looked at the colors, it was two slightly different colors. I could probably mix and match them but I still wouldn’t have enough with just two packages so . . put that project aside and order more beads.

Addie’s Sweater Progress
Next Loopy Academy project . . Addie’s sweater. I barely have enough yarn to make a size 6, which is what size she will need for next winter. I knitted a bit on it and kept thinking the yarn seems a little light for DK weight. From the weight/yardage, it is a DK weight but I decided to check my gauge. The pattern calls for 20 stitches/4″ and I’m getting 22 stitches/4″ so that may end up making this sweater a little smaller than a size 6. In order to make it a size 7, I need another skein of yarn but The Loopy Ewe is out of the color I’m using. I ordered a skein of gray and I’ll just make it pink and gray striped. Then I started thinking . . just order three skeins of a different pink and save the two skeins I already have for another project but then I decided, I’ve already knitted enough that I don’t want to start over. I’ll use the yarn I have with the added gray skein — order 1 skein instead of 3.
But, that all means that I’m back to trying to decide what I want to work on next . . while I wait for beads for the shawl and for the other skein of yarn to decide where to add stripes for Addie’s sweater!
That was settled easily. Vince came home from work not feeling well. We had lunch and both went to bed. I don’t know how long he slept but I slept from about 12:30 til he woke me up at 5 p.m. That means . . I’l need a knitting project for the night because I’ll probably be up half the night!
Paula says
Hope you both feel better soon!
Liz Rogers says
Judy, if you can’t talk about the ups AND the downs with your friends, it would be a sad world. And, you do make a good tale of it all as we come back for more. That is what our friendship with you means.
Take good care of yourself and Vince. Liz
Elaine says
What good company I keep – exactly the kind of day I had yesterday – I need to make a couple of scrap quilts, I have so many odd pieces about half metre size, lots of quarters – can I decide what to make, which to use, which to keep. Nope – so maybe I’ll continue with my knitting, or maybe I’ll start on the new pattern I just bought – and if I do, which yarn shall I use for it………..sound familiar? I trust you’ll have better day today, hope you both stay well. Elaine
Karen Sutton says
Boy, can I relate. We’re heading for Texas Saturday and I’ve spent more time this week trying to decide what knitting projects to take than I have packing the RV and getting clothes together! And I’ve got that ‘may be getting a cold’ feeling that I’m bound and determined not to get:) Stay well.
Sandy says
I think everyone has days like yours! I don’t knit, but sometimes I have a hard time making decisions about the quilts I want to make and the fabrics I want to use. It’s lots easier to do when I’m rested and feeling good! I hope both you and Vince feel better today.
Becky T says
Some days are diamonds some days are a pebble in the shoe!
April R says
I’m the opposite. I love the start of a project. Picking things out, planning, the excitement of getting started. I lose interest at the end and thus am horrible at doing the last 10%. My son has been using his quilt for 4 years without the binding. lol.
Love your blog.