The Hale-Bopp Mystery Knit Along has started. If you don’t want to see my progress, don’t look any farther. I was so determined that these were the yarns I was going to use.

Hale Bopp Yarn
Once I got the first two sections done, I decided the brown was just too overwhelmingly dark.

Hale-Bopp Yarn
I also decided that I’ve been a chicken mama for too long because my shawl looks like a boiled egg that’s been cut in half.

Hale-Bopp yarn
Boiled egg or not . . I need to decide on a yarn for the next ring.

Hale-Bopp yarn
I thought I wanted green-ish but I’m thinking I like the orange-ish better.

Hale-Bopp yarn
I think it will be pretty . . but I won’t know for sure til I start knitting that next section. It’s going to be pretty . . no matter what yarn I use.
Ramona says
I love it! It does look like a boiled egg! I really like the orange with your egg. 🙂
Marsha B says
I like the orange-ish yarn, too. It is very pretty so far.
Karen Sutton says
I like the orange too – gives it nice continuity along with the contrast. It looks like a fun knit.
Anne says
Yup, looks like a fried egg to me!! I agree with everyone else, the orange looks great!
Joyce says
Too funny,but I also see the egg…LOL
Wendy says
LOL about the half egg – I like the orange skein choice. More of a gradual color change effect.
Frieda Z says
I like the green choice unless you want an orange shawl. Though, either one will be nice.:)
Judy S says
Orange looks like a great choice!
Laura H says
I also thought “boiled egg”, and prefer the orange.
Paula says
Use both skeins! Beautiful colors.