It’s a beautiful, sunny day here. It’s 50° and gorgeous. At the end of last year’s garden, I promised myself I was going to have a smaller garden this year but not I’m wanting to plant everything and be out working in the garden. Spring is great . . summer . . not so much! Typically, I plant enough plants to get continuous harvests through summer but this year, I think I’m going to try planting way more cucumbers, way more beans, way more peppers and get big first harvests and by the time it’s horribly dry and hot and the bugs have taken over, I’ll give up and not try to keep the garden going late into the season. I can also plant tomatoes and peppers in July and get a fall harvest . . IF the grasshoppers aren’t too bad.
This morning we bought 4 bags of garden soil. Potatoes and horseradish are going to be planted in bins instead of in the ground so I’ll use the bagged garden soil for those.
I also bought a few bags of potting soil and this afternoon, I hope to get 20 bare root fruit trees potted this afternoon.
As with most trips to town, there was chicken feed and shavings to buy.
Paula says
I live in Texas also, but it is still too wet and windy to work outside. Cloudy and overcast. The wind blows the chill right into my bones! Can’t wait for it to dry out enough to get dirt delivered. Need to fill up my raised beds before I can plant new things! Happy that you can get out and do that. I want to hear about your garden. It will be my first year to have one in forever!
Sherrill says
How many fruit trees do you have already? Adding 20 more sounds like a TON of fruit trees!! HA
Penny M. Squirrell says
What a different part of the world you live in. We typically plant our gardens in May and June. Right now we are having snow squalls and dreams about gardens are months away.