The good news is . . I have not sneezed in three days! That means the cedar pollen must be easing up a bit and that makes me very happy!
This morning was the first time in several weeks that I felt like spending a lot of time in the kitchen.

Last night I had started sourdough so that needed to be worked and finished.

Brisket & Salad
Sourdough starter needed to be fed (3 jars in the back left), everything was chopped for broccoli/cauliflower salad and the dressing was made. There was a brisket in the fridge that needed to be seasoned for smoking tomorrow.
I got all that done and pan fried some fish for lunch. Vince has been asking for cookies. A couple of weeks ago I made half a batch of oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies and he’s been asking for more. Not on our diet but today, his begging paid off. After lunch, he said “I REALLY like those cookies you made!” I said . . ok!
I had to shell the pecans so I mixed up the cookie dough but left out the chocolate chips and then took a bit of the dough, added a few nuts, made a few cookies for me, added some chocolate chips and made the cookies for Vince.

After he went back to work, I finished shelling the pecans, added them to the dough, tough out my half, added pecans to his half and over the next few days, we’ll have fresh from the oven cookies when we want them.

Cookie Dough
And, if I gain one pound, he’s going to hear about it! 🙂
Tine says
Yum!! You’ve been busy 🙂
Dar in MO says
It must be a “man” thing. They all seem to love chocolate chip cookies. My DH will eat a whole dozen at a time if I leave them on the counter to cool. I have to hid and dole them out too. He’s very diabetic and should not have any at all.