Vince’s quilt is now finished and that means my January UFO is now finished.
It was almost dark last night when I finished it but I was determined to stay in the sewing room til I got it done.
The backing was pieced so that was a good stashbuster but I’m sure that fabric was already counted so I’ll only count the fabric used in the binding.
The quilt was made using my Peaches & Dreams pattern. Here’s a funny story. One of Chad’s friends was getting married in 2009.
Oh, Missouri is so green! I miss green!

And I miss my boy!
Back to my story .. he came in one day in early 2009 and said “Mom, Bobby is getting married. Will you make them a quilt? Their bedroom is going to be peach.” OK . . I’ll make a quilt. I had blocks on the design wall and . . well, here’s part of a blog post from May, 2009.
This is what it was going to look like. It was going to be about 80? x 102?. Bobby (the groom) was here today. He walked right past the design wall with his quilt on it and had no idea it was for him. After he left, Chad said “I hope you know they have a queen size bed.” I explained that the quilt was going to be more just to hang over a quilt rack or fold at the foot of the bed. NO! Chad wanted it to fit the bed. Apparently it bugs him that I just make quilts without regard to bed sizes and he thinks quilts should fit beds.
So, I made it larger and it ended up being about 95″ x 105″ as I recall. Here it is all finished in time for the wedding.
Then Vince wanted a quilt to use what sitting in his chair watching TV so I made him a blue one with flannel backing and made it a bit longer than lap size. No .. he wanted one he could pull up under his chin and still cover his toes so that’s when he went downstairs (in MO) and pulled the fabrics that he wanted to use in his larger Peaches & Dreams quilt and now, probably 7 or 8 years later, it’s finished and he has his quilt.
Around here, every quilt has a story!
dezertsuz says
Around here, too. =) I’m so excited for Vince to have it and for you to be finished with your goal already!
katie z. says
That was quick! Way to go.
Tricia Sagen says
Gorgeous! Seriously, with your amazing cooking and quilting, Vince is one lucky guy! Plus, no ‘clown colors’ for him (haha!).
Cindi says
Did you move the link up for those participating in the 2017 UFO party? The link at the top of your page no longer has the links to their blogs.
Cherie in St Louis says
Vince did a great job selecting fabrics 🙂 Hurray for a quilt-y finish…..hope you enjoyed it 🙂
Joan B. says
Oh my goodness! I’ve been following this blog a loooooooooong time! I remember you making the wedding gift quilt! 2009!!!!
Paula says
Love Vince’s quilt!
Vireya says
Congratulations on getting one UFO crossed off your list so fast!
I was just looking for the page where we put our lists of UFOs into your link-up, but couldn’t find it. I was going to visit some of the other lists that I haven’t looked at yet.
Sherrill says
Ohh, both quilts are SOO pretty and you are a GREAT mama and wifey!! Those lucky boys!
Alycia says
Yay for the finish!! you really did get your mojo back!!
anudge says
Congratulations on your finish! What a handsome lad.
Carolyn Sands says
Great job and lovely quilt!
Nann says
Glad to see that you are quilting again! ImreLly like the colors and the pattern of this quilt. And, yes, now I remember the peach version.
pat says
Vince picked out some beautiful colors. Blues
Kate says
Congrats on the finish. Hope Vince loves his quilt. I feel bad, I’ve never made a quilt for My Guy other than the one that’s on our bed.