Sourdough is one of the easiest breads to make and it’s so forgiving. I started this batch on Wednesday night when I made the leaven. I planned to finish it on Thursday but the day just got away from me. It wasn’t going to work out to have it ready in time to cool before putting it up for the night so I stuck the dough in the fridge and planned to finish it on Friday. Vince and I went to town, I spent more time organizing the yarn and it was almost midnight when I said . . Oh, no . . I totally forgot about the sourdough!
Just before lunch today I took it out and got it divided, let it rise and baked it.
That is going to be some fantastic bread. Dinner will be served in less than an hour!
The best and most detailed explanation for making sourdough that I’ve found is at The Kitchn. There are lots of words and lots of pictures but she did a great job of documenting every step of the process. If you’re interested in making sourdough and have never tried, or aren’t 100% satisfied with your results, it might be worth your time to read her excellent post.
On our healthy eating plan, bread is pretty much off limits. We can have a little every not and then but not nearly as much as I’d like. I understand that it isn’t healthy but I do feel like my homemade bread is a bit better than most storebought breads. OK .. I’m trying to justify my bad habits. I truly love making bread almost as much as I love eating it so not being able to have it is like a double whammy for me! The sooner we get our weight off, the sooner we can add a little more bread back to our eating plan.