Great! A reader just pointed out that the pattern says “cm”, not mm. HUGE difference! I read that pattern a dozen times thinking . . this can’t be right! It was me that wasn’t right so . . I stand corrected and it was not the fault of the pattern but my own lack of reading comprehension skills! 🙂
I am going to make the fingers on the second glove longer and will plan at some time in the future to go back and re-do the fingers on the first glove but for now, we’ll have one glove with short fingers and one glove with correct fingers.
Linda Enneking says
I thought those fingers looked pretty short, and you said you had made them longer than directed. Glad you found out before you started the second one.
pattilynn9 says
Oh, no. Hope it’s an easy fix.
justquiltin says
So you take a photo of your one hand wearing the glove with long enough fingers and holding onto the other one for your Loopy Academy photos – you made your project and no one will ever see those shorter fingers 🙂 I decided to be a drop out this year due to the gloves – absolutely no desire to make them since they are way too fiddly and I don’t like wearing gloves anyway. But totally enjoy seeing all the projects this year being made for LA on Rav. So many great ideas.
Teri Jordan says
Now that is too funny…..I like what justquiltin says hold the short fingered one in your hand….no one will know…..