This morning I was at a business and as I started to walk in the door, there was a pretty good sized pile of bird droppings so I decided to look up before proceeding.
Barn swallows! There were several more nests up there. It’s a constant fight around here trying to get them not to build on the house, especially right above areas where we walk. They’re so aggravating to have around, trying to build their muddy little nests all over the place but they sure are cute.
Sherrill says
My niece used to take her boys to a lady’s house for piano lessons. One day, as they went in for their lesson, my niece noticed several of those nests on the ground with babies in them. She scooped them up (the teacher said painters knocked the nests down) and took them home. I figured they were goners for sure but she fed them mealworms, cut up crickets and kitten food soaked in milk and all those little birdies survived. She had them in a shoebox and I used to have the cutest picture of all of them lined up on the edge of the shoebox–they looked like they were frowning, just like your picture. It was hilarious!
Dorothy Matheson says
We have them in this area but for some reason none have come here to live. Could be the feral cats I have around.
Kim Webb says
We have them around here in New York also. We have to remember in the spring to make sure the garage and basement doors stay closed or they are in there making nests. They have nested in my father’s garage for years since we were kids and they come back every year to raise their young. They sure do help with keeping the mosquito population down.
Theresa says
If you could just get them to build nests closer to your garden, the droppings could raise your soil fertility.
Dar in MO says
Almost every year we have a momma swallow build right above our kitchen door (Which is the one we use all day long). This year there was no nest, or so I thought until about 3 weeks ago. I noticed some droppings on the step that goes into the house and when I looked up, there was the nest! Later we found a tiny baby bird dead. He must have fallen out of the nest during day when we were gone and with the temps being in the high 90’s, he was pretty crispy when we found him. I felt bad, but there was nothing we could do.