Last night I went out to put the chickens up and there was Cat. She’s back in the habit of waiting for me right outside the door and wanting to be petted. Vince keeps an old chair out there so I sat down in that. Cat was on the ground, walking around my legs. I was petting her and she jumped up in my lap. Hmmm . . this is nice but kinda scary! She looks at me one minute like she wants to say “I love you! I’m so glad you’re nice to me!” and the next minute, the look in her eyes says “Who the heck do you think you are touching me like that? I have a good mind to scratch your eyeballs out!”
I sat there and scratched around her ears for a few minutes. She was purring. I was thinking . . how am I going to get you down? I’m not brave enough to pick her up yet. Vince was in the house watching TV. I wondered if it got completely dark if he would come out to see what happened to me, or if it would be morning, when he awoke to notice there was no smell of bacon frying before he came to see what happened to me. 🙂
She decided to jump down on her own without me having to sit in the chair all night waiting to be rescued by Vince.
I’m amazed at what a small kitty she is. Not only is she just little but she hardly weighs anything and doesn’t seem overly skinny. She’s just petite! I don’t know a lot about cats but Boots is at least twice as big as Cat. Boots has real silky, fine type hair and he constantly sheds. Cat has more of a coarse hair and now that I’ve brushed her, she doesn’t seem to shed nearly as badly as Boots does. I’m guessing it’s all dependent on the breed and indoor vs. outdoor.
I haven’t checked the trail cams around the house lately but I haven’t seen any other cats so maybe now that Cat has become part of the family, she’s keeping the others away. I think she needs to do just a bit better with keeping the snakes away but I can’t say that I blame her for steering clear of those blasted rattlesnakes.
Sherrill says
My sister has the TINIEST little girl I’ve ever seen. She’s full grown, had a least one little of kittens so she’s been around the block a few times. I was just over petting her yesterday and picked her up and once again marveled at just HOW tiny she is! She’s so cute!
Tam McBride says
Congratulations! You’re Cat’s person now. She will be totally devoted to you but will always retain a modicum of independence. Is there a safe place where you can coax her to sleep at night?
Dottie N. says
This is an “aw” moment for sure!!
Dot says
I used to encourage a cat to get off my lap by very gradually moving my feet away from the chair, so my lap got less and less level. I hope Cat repays your kindness by catching the small rodents that the snakes like to eat. With nothing to eat, the snakes will move on!
quiltnqueen says
Aw………. I LOVE how you’ve gained her trust and won her over!!!!!
Lee says
Sweet that Cat has warmed up to you to the point of jumping into your lap! I think something I’d be concerned about with her being so light weight, and that she’s living a feral life, would be worms, of which the tape worm and fleas can go hand-in-hand. That might require a vet trip, but I know you may not be able to do that with Cat…at least not yet.