I can never remember what I say on the blog and what I say on Facebook. That probably means I talk too much!
Friday I had Rita at the vet and got some Revolution for Cat so I was kinda dreading how she would react when I put it on her but I don’t think she even noticed. I was sitting still and petting her and she wasn’t worried about anything else. Friday afternoon there were a lot of noisy helicopters overhead and I was afraid that was going to startle her but I guess she’s used to them too.
If I sit, she walks up to me. I cannot walk up to her but she will walk up to me . . if she feels like it. Boots is always happy to run up and meet us and get petted but Cat has her own agenda. In fact, Sunday evening I went out to sit on the little platform and pet her, noticed she was almost out of water, went to fill her water bowl and noticed a couple of trees needed watering so by the time I got back to where she was, she decided she wasn’t in the mood to be petted and she walked off about 10 feet from me and stretched out on the ground like she was thinking . . fine, you didn’t want to pet me when I wanted you to so you can just do without!
How many of you thought I’d never get to pet her? Admit it! Truthfully, I thought I’d osme day get to pet her but I also thought she’d claw my eyes out the first time I tried it.
In the above picture you can see (1) my thighs are way too big and (2) the tipped left ear. It’s so weird because in pictures, it is definitely tipped but in real life, I still question if it’s tipped. It’s so obvious in the picture, that I know it is, but it just doesn’t look like it in real life.
She’s a scrawny cat and she’s not that big. I know she’s an adult because she’s been here over a year but she’s probably half the size of Boots.
This picture looks so evil, I just had to share it. We were facing the setting sun. I was wishing we had our backs to the sun but I knew if I got up, Cat would run so I just sat there with the sun in my face.
Til about 11 in the morning, Cat sits on top of my car. Then it’s hot enough that she gets down and gets under the car and stays there til about 8 when it’s time for me to sit and pet her and feed her.
She’s not real friendly with Vince but he hasn’t been trying to make friends with her either. Over the weekend, he got in the RTV a couple of times. It’s parked next to my car so when he got that close, she jumped down and went somewhere and wasn’t seen for a while. By the time she decided to come around again, Vince went and got the tractor and at that point, Cat was spooked enough that we didn’t see her the rest of the day and until almost noon the next day.
We’ve come a long way but she’s still afraid of everything.
Elaine says
Hi Judy, In the UK if a cat is taken in by a rescue charity and is neutered, it has the tip of one ear clipped. Maybe that’s what’s happened to cat (not sure if you do this in USA). Anyway I’m glad you’ve made friends, I took care of a whole family of wild strays, and it took the best part of 3 years before they all became friendly. After that they took over the whole place! Also, didn’t you know, photo’s always make you look fatter………. Elaine xx
Carolyn says
I have yet to meet a cat that didn’t have an attitude of Take a Number and Wait.
Sherrill says
My sister has the tiniest full grown cat. She’s so cute and arrived at my sister’s as a stray. She had one litter of kittens before my sister had her fixed. She has a raspy meow and LOVES to be petted. In fact, she tells you she wants to be petted by giving you a little nip. So funny but she’s so cute.
Dianne says
I knew Cat would come around. You’ve been patient and let her come to you.
Kate says
well done, Judy…
Rebecca in SoCal says
It’s nice that you’ve reached this point…just as long as she doesn’t become a lap sitter, eh? Also, I notice you’ve taken to “she” according to conventional thought. 🙂
Deb says
Mine was about 9 months when we got her. She is still scared of everything, and only in the last few years has she become “friendly” mostly with me. But actually, it used to be my husband, but I think I am around more now! She is an indoor/outdoor cat. But she is now 16! And to be fair, she has been chased by a lot of dogs, including mine. Until she got tired of it, and now stands her ground!
Maggie says
My cat is a scaredy cat for sure. We adopted her, brought her home, and then she hid from us in our basement for 6 weeks! Now she comes out and lets me pet and brush her, and sleeps on a cat bed on our bed. But she still does not like any of the men in our family and runs and hides whenever my sons are around. She even avoids my husband, and he feeds her breakfast every morning!
Also, she is a tiny kitty, too. She has tiny short legs and only weighs 6 lbs. I feel like she thinks she has a big roar, but then only a tiny meow comes out.
I will admit I thought you would not be able to pet Cat, because I have friends who have feral cats that they care for, and although many of them will walk up to them and rub against their legs, most of them will never take petting.
The Eclectic Abuela says
Cat is beautiful! Pet her for me, too.
Cherie in St Louis says
Judy, I was a doubting Thomas and didn’t think you’d get close enough to pet her. I’m sure always letting cat come to you is what’s made you successful. Congratulations!
Heather Watts says
I am beginning to think that Cat is a Tortoiseshell Burmese. She has yellow eyes and you say that she is half the size of Boots, If she is a Burmese, this means she only has a single coat, not a double coat that a normal cat would have, and she will therefore feel the cold a lot lot more.