Poor, old Speck. He’ll be 16 years old in less than 2 weeks. He’s fragile but he still moves fairly easily, though he no longer tries to jump on the sofa or chair. He loves to eat. He gets really excited and playful sometimes. Other times, he sits and sleeps for most of the day and seems like a very old dog.
We’re very careful with him. We’ve always been very careful with how we lift him and we’re even more careful now. When he had x-rays the other day, the doctor was amazed at the condition of his back. He said he rarely sees a dachshund back, even in a much younger dachshund, that looks as good as Speck’s. So, he’s been pretty pampered.
Speck was born with some bad joints. I don’t think you call it the “shoulder” in dogs but where his front legs meet the “shoulder” joint .. that isn’t right. Think about a cup that a ball fits into. Specks “ball” fits more up against a saucer instead of a cup. If he stops abruptly, it slides right out of the socket/saucer (my description, not the vet’s!). When he was a puppy and we tried to play with tossing a ball to him, he would sometimes knock that joint out of place if he was running and stopped suddenly, like his body stopped before his legs did . . you know how if a dog kinda puts on the brakes with his front legs. If he jumps down and lands just a bit off, that “ball” slides off the “saucer”. He could simply be walking and step wrong and it happens.
When we lived in Kentucky, we took him to an orthopedic vet and after way too much $$, x-rays and exams, they told us that it wasn’t something that should be fixed. Yes, it could be fixed but it would be terribly expensive, would require immobilization for as much as 6 months and might have to be repeated every 6 or so years.
Vince learned how to get his joint back in place, which was painful for Speck, and I usually sat in the corner and cried quietly. Every time I take him to the vet to get his nails trimmed or boarded, they know I’m going to say “Don’t forget about his shoulders!”
When the shoulder gets out of place, he doesn’t bend whichever leg is affected so one front leg is sticking out, he hobbles, and screams if you touch his leg.
Now that we know all the moves that could result in injury, it hasn’t happened very frequently but until we were familiar with all aspects of his defect, it happened often and there were plenty of late night runs to have the vet meet us to “fix” his joint.
That all brings me to an incident the other night. Speck was walking across the floor. It was an area covered by a rug and he squealed and began limping. No one, including Rita, was near him at the time. He hobbled back to his pillow, wouldn’t bend his leg, sat down and his foot was shaking. His leg was stuck straight out and he was hurting. Vince and I were both staring at each other like . . what do we do? We have no emergency vet here. I know from another recent incident that Vince isn’t quite sure which way he rotated Speck’s leg to get it back in place because he hasn’t had to do it in so long. I was just wanting to cry. When I noticed his leg shaking, I remembered that when he had been stung by a scorpion, his leg was shaking but it usually doesn’t shake when it’s a joint issue.
Then Speck bent his leg a little to lick his paw and I knew it wasn’t the same issue as soon as I saw him bend his leg.
I got up to see what was on the floor that he may have stepped on or that may have stung him. It was an agarita leaf. A tiny little leaf with wicked thorns. A thorn had stuck his foot. As soon as it stopped hurting, he was fine . . but he scared us for a few minutes.
As much as I love Speck, and I’ve loved him for so long and through so much, and I’m going to miss him terribly when he’s gone. He reads me like a book. He constantly pays attention to me and it’s almost like he knows what I’m thinking. He can tell when I’m getting dressed in the morning . . I guess by the different procedures or the purpose with which I am getting dressed .. but he knows those mornings I’m going to be leaving and when we kept his crate in the house, he would go get in his crate as soon as he realized he was going to be left alone. Speck has been a good dog and there’s definitely a better chance of easily training a dog the way you want him to be when you start with a puppy vs. a rescue who’s history is totally unknown.
On the other hand, I’m not going to miss worrying that Rita is going to jump off the sofa at her 90 mph speed and run into him or jump on top of him and hurt him, or that he’s going to step off the porch wrong and hurt his joint.
He goes back to the vet in about 10 days and if he isn’t a whole lot better, the vet wants to talk about “the next step” . . and without saying it, we all know what that is. Just trying to type this . . the tears are flowing.
For now, I’m going to enjoy my time with him and make sure he enjoys his time with us.
Carolyn says
I know we love our fur babies, but the best thing a dear vet of ours said when Pooh was so sick was, “Remember, we have the option to be kinder to our pets than we do to our humans.” I still miss Pooh, but his leaking heart valve had progressed to the point I just could not let him suffer because of my selfishness. With your vet’s help you will know when the time is right. Poor little Rita will have more adjustments to make, unless you can find her a good home.
Toni Anne Potter says
I’m so sorry, I understand just what you’re going through. It’s 1 week today that I had to make that decision (I’d been trying not to) for 1 year and 5 mths. Our rescue collie Sandy came to us when I was going through cancer treatment in 2005 she was 5 at the time. Her family became allergic to her. She was my strength, my buddy and everyone’s friend. She was great with my son who has ADHD. The best dog (family member) we’ve ever had. I’m still adjusting to not cooking for her or to not be gone more then 2 hrs. at a time. I’ve been sleeping on the couch next to her oversized chair, just in case she needs me. She had vertigo 2x last year, the vet thought it was time then. She made it a extra year and a half. I’m sorry to drone on. It’s the hardest decision to make unfortunately sometimes it hurts us, to help them to not suffer. My prayers are with you, Vince, Rita and Speck. (Love that name) Toni Anne I read all your posts, I’m not great at replying.
Linda Mincher says
My heart goes out to you. We had to put one of our dogs to sleep a year ago, then about 7 weeks ago we had to put one of our cats to sleep. It is so difficult. We still have a 16 year old cat and a 10 year old (big) dog, so we know we aren’t through with the difficult decisions. It’s great that Speck has had the chance to have a wonderful life in your home. Many dogs don’t have that luxury.
danielle says
The most loving and most humane thing we can ever do for those who give us unconditional love and trust. And yet the hardest thing we ever do. I have said for years it is a shame we are more empathetic to the 4 legged critters than the 2 legged, but that is now changing thank goodness.
Toni says
Even thou I’ve walked that path many times it is not easy and it doesn’t get easier either. Like the others have said, it’s the kindest thing we can do for a beloved pet who is suffering and in pain or distress.
Sue Lord says
I understand and I am sorry.
PamO says
Hugs to all of you.
cindy says
so sorry. been there done that with many animals and it is very, very hard and doesn’t get easier with more animals. been through hospice with dad and dementia with mom, too and it is all hard. God bless you as you make decisions and move through this stage.
Vickie VanDyken says
I am crying with/for you I just went thru the seizures with my 16 yr old (one of them, I have two that are just 2 months apart). We got them under control He had to relearn everything, including potty training. It was a struggle and the meds were 3X’s what the vet said. I went to good rX and found coupons and got the cost under control. I wanted to go on the truck to Baltimore but that is where Toby had problems. That was on a short trip, California, so just cant go for awhile. He is worth it. I fought hard to keep him and he is contented. Just like Speck, he has good days and regular ones, but thankfully no bad ones for awhile. My dogs have peed in all 49 states and most Canadian Provinces!! They have eaten there share of prime rib. They have had a great life…Still, though you just cant bear the end.
Prayers for you and your family. Love, Strength and Courage to know what and when it is time.
Thankfully we have other pups but there is always that hole in there for the one you loose. Pretty certain all dogs go to heaven and that they will be waiting for me upon arrival!! It is the one thought that brings me relief from the whole ordeal.
Glad the latest ordeal was only a sticker!! Dodged the bullet!!
Pam Gonzalez says
Dear Judy know your pain very well. It’s a part of your soul that never leaves, the love we have for our four legged babies. prayers for you and your family. I have a stone outside in the yard with our “Samson” and I talk to him often. Even if the neighbors think I’m crazy. Hugs, Pam Gonzalez
Mary says
It’s almost been a year since we had to make that decision with Chesty and I still can’t believe he’s gone. There is a big hole in our lives and in my heart. Enjoy the time you have left.
Quilter Kathy says
It sure is hard. When I look back on the photos of my dog the last 6 months of her life, I feel guilty that I struggled with the decision and waited so long. She was suffering so much. But it really is painful to make that final decision.
Donna says
Oh Judy I won’t even tell you it gets easier with time because we had to put our 19 year old pal put to sleep 10 years ago and I still look around and expect her to be looking at me. She was so feeble that I knew I was doing the right thing but oh how I loved that puppy. The hole will never heal but the memories are so precious. My heart goes out to you. Poor little Rita will be sad too but she will help you with the pain. Just love Speck while you can and know that he’s had a better life than lots of dogs. Appreciate the love he has given you and just cry your heart out. My heart breaks for you.
Kim Webb says
Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and Speck and glad it was a leaf he stepped on causing the pain and not his shoulder this time.
Ellen says
Hi Judy,
This has nothing to do with Speck and the leaf. I recently bought the cast iron griddle you talk about occasionaly. I tried it on the large oval center burner on my gas range. It did not get evenly hot and I was challenged to make 4 pieces of french toast at once.
Advice? if it’s bettern to email me my email is part of my ID.
Thank you!
Mechelle says
It’s so sad when our pets get really old, seems the weirdest tiny things like a leaf do stuff to make them hurt – wish they could communicate better with us so we would really know whats going on!! I have a 9 year old cocker now she is showing her age, my last one made it to 18 years old…hopefully this one will too!
Joan from Alaska says
Oh, Judy, my heart goes out to you! My Schnitzel, also a dachshund, was Speck’s age, and for years and years, I would follow your adventures with Speck with Schnittie sitting on my lap. He was my everything, and like Speck, he “got” me more than anyone else. Saying goodbye a year and a half ago was the hardest thing I have ever done, and not a day goes by that I do not think of my boy, often still with tears in my eyes (like now!). Speck, like Schnitzel, has been loved deeply, and I take comfort in knowing that he knew that. Follow you heart. Schnitzel let me know that he was at peace and ready to leave, and Speck will too when that time finally comes. They will never leave our hearts though. Hugs.
Dianne Smith says
Sweet old Speck!! You have been a great companion and you will be missed not only by Judy, Vince and Rita…All of us who have known you through emails and blogs with Judy will miss you and your adventures!! Judy, it’s never easy as we who love our pets know but please know we are all here for you..Darrell, MeiLi, Cinder and I are sending you extra prayers, love and hugs for the next few weeks…Gently, give Speck a hug from us…..Email if you need me….
Dottie N. says
Thinking of y’all – our furbabies are SO much a part of our lives.
Kathleen says
I teared up reading this post. I’ve been there and know how devastating it is. My heart go out to you.