When I posted about buying the hams, someone asked if I divided it up before cooking. No, I divide it up after cooking but I don’t suppose it matters. Baking it first is how I’ve always done it because back in the old days, I’d bake the whole thing for holidays and then save the leftovers but I think either way would be just fine.
Yesterday I baked the ham and made rolls for our lunch – yummy ham sandwiches!
After the ham was cooled, I divided it up, vacuum sealed it and froze most of the leftovers.
It ended up being 5 packages for the freezer and each one of those has enough for two meals, one zipper bag of ham in the fridge that we’ll eat on for a few days, the ham bone with plenty of meat to make soup, and about a pint of ham broth. Not bad for a $10 ham!
There are so many things to do with leftover ham and I may have posted this link already but it’s my “go to” site when I’m feeling uninspired.
Our lunch today will be leftover brisket, scalloped potatoes, buttered snow peas and coleslaw! That’s IF I put my knitting down and go pick snow peas. 🙂
Kate says
hey Judi – what kind of vacuum sealer do you recommend???