Remember back in April when I planted turmeric? The plants were getting kinda ragged looking so I decided to dig up the roots and see what I had grown.
I think the dark one in the back may be one of the pieces I originally planted. I’m pretty pleased with my harvest. This is what I started with:

I saved the roots and left a few of the good pieces on them and I’ve already replanted those.
According to what I’ve read, it should grow in the ground here so I think I’m going to plant some in the ground in an area I can leave it and see what it does.
I’m hoping for a bigger crop next year! I planted it in individual pots instead of one long pot so I should be able to break off pieces as I need them instead of having to pull up whole pieces. These were pretty root bound and it was hard to get any out of the pot without it all coming out.
I love growing new stuff!
wanda j says
Looks a lot like ginger. What do you use it far or in?
Sherrill says
So now how do you keep it/store it? I Looks like a LOT! It also looks like hornworms..gross!! LOL
Myra says
Turmeric is super healthy as an anti-inflammatory and cancer prevention. The powder can be added to recipes such as homemade white sauce for chicken and rice. It adds a nice color and flavor.
Nann says
I never thought about turmeric as a plant, and never knew that it is a root. Interesting!