Let’s just pretend that Chad, Nicole and Addie aren’t living in Missouri and I didn’t want to move back to be near them.
Missouri is so green, in August, and there are streams and it’s halfway cool (but humid). Going back to Texas . . the brown, the dead, the bugs . . not easy!
Chad caught a little fish and Addie couldn’t wait for him to hand it to her.
I want to live where I can open the windows and hear this all night!
Just like I almost always have some knitting with me . . just in case I have time to take a few stitches . . Chad always has a fishing pole and fishing gear with him. Everywhere we stopped, Chad had a fishing hook in the water.
Missouri is really a beautiful state. It’s so hard to know if I’d feel differently about Texas and Missouri if the kids weren’t in MO but, for the most part, all I can see . . except for a job and a home in Texas, is that Missouri is a great place to be.
sao in Midlothian (Shirley Albertson Owens) says
Missouri is beautiful for sure (that is where I grew up!) I have a feeling you are going to be heading back there someday!
I love all of the photos!
sao in Midlothian, VA
Vickie VanDyken says
Hmmmmm a dilemma for sure! The biggest thing was the last line…a job and a home. I think if there was a job you could find a home. I don’t think your to old to start over? That is your decision. You can consider all the fun (?) you have had making your home your own. We (your followers) have enjoyed your colorful blogs on making your home 🙂 I think that is what you would be doing again…so if there is a job and your game to start over, I say go for it! The end game is Addy 🙂 and the rest of your coming soon grandkids ( we hope )!!
It’s hard to do everything your doing without a good job. As you get older starting over becomes a big part of the equation.
It’s a tough one. I’ll say my prayers for you. I think you will have a great life no matter what you decide! Oh and Thanks for all the great stories on the way.
Dotti says
Home is where the heart is! When we moved to Connecticut from Peensylvania, I thought it was for a year or two. Almost 45 years later we are still in Connecticut.
People are leaving CT due to the high cost of living and taxes, taxes, taxes. We are questioned often why we are still here. Son and family are four miles away! If we weren’t retired and husband still was working, we might have been where the job took him. But until we can’t afford this place here we will be.
The real key is maintaining the relationship by taking more than one trip a year to see them. And maybe going on your own now and again might make you happier. We were always going back to see parents almost every two months after we moved. Distance sometimes doesn’t allow that, but we tried our best to be connected with family.
Sometimes , I confess often, we focus on what we don’t have rather than what we do. My Mother would say, You need an attitude adjustment, and she was usually right. After spending time with loved ones, parting is not sweet sorrow, but just sorrow.
You are such a dear for sharing your life with so many.
Joyce says
I will say this has been an unusual summer in this part of Missouri (southeast area). We have had rain all summer long (I haven’t had to water the garden at all and rarely even the flowerpots), and it hasn’t been nearly as hot as usual. I think our high today was only about 80. That’s not usual for mid August! Usually by now, the yards are looking fried, and everything is rather dusty. We really haven’t had more than a couple of really hot days all summer long. It does make this area a lot prettier! 🙂
Peg H says
Missouri is beautiful! I have friends from there and really loved visiting them in the fall. The only time I didn’t like it was in July – too hot and humid for this girl! As for me, I moved from Texas to Ohio a few years ago. I love Ohio – it’s beautiful here, too, and I *love* the seasons! But with my daughter and her family still in Texas, and my DIL’s parents now in Texas with the possibility of my son moving his family there …. you know I want to go home. Soon! Especially now that Blue Bell’s available again. LOL! Seriously, family is sooooo important. I don’t think we can ever be too connected or too close to our families – especially when there are precious grandchildren involved. <3