They should be here in an hour or so. It seems longer waiting for them to arrive than it does for me to drive to visit them. The last time they were here, Addie was 11 months old and she’s almost 3 now. This was a picture from their last visit.

Chad, Nicole and Addie
Vince hasn’t seen her since this picture was taken so it will be interesting to see their interaction. Addie seems to like the men and want to spend time with them and Vince may have a hard time getting away from her. It will be interesting!
It’s been easier for me to go there than for them to come here for several reasons. Chad only has so much vacation time and he spends a lot of that hunting and likes to save one week for visiting my parents and aunt and uncle in Louisiana. They had to borrow Nicole’s mom’s car because they only had the one old pickup but now that they have a new car, I’m hoping Vince and I will meet them halfway at least several times a year. Chad works 4 days and is off 4 days so if we met 4 or 5 hours from their house, we could do it without him taking vacation.
I cannot wait to get to spend 10 days with them starting in about an hour an hour! 🙂
They had just crossed over into Texas and Nicole told me that Addie said “Granny is at the store buying apple juice, candy and balloons.” Hmmm . . I had the apple juice and candy but no balloons so I hurried up, took a shower, got dressed and went to town.
Two bundles . . each with a Doc McStuffins balloon and five colored balloons. I’ll wait til closer to time for them to get here and go tie them on the fence posts. It’s 92º out there now.
And . . what’s a party without cupcakes?
Linda Steller says
Oh how exciting! I hope you all have a wonderful time. I had a great bond with my paternal grandfather and followed him everywhere. I’ll be she and Vince have fun. You are such a good grandmother. She’s going to love all those surprises.
Dianne says
I’m as excited for you as you are for them to arrive!! Enjoy every moment and make wonderful memories!!!
Sharon in Michigan says
Thinking of you and your family. You are blessed. Now go and spoil that beautiful little girl!
Laura says
Only for Addie will you willingly go to town and shop. 😉
JudyL says
I thought that exact same thing as I was headed to town. You can bet the next time I don’t want to go to town, Vince will say “You did it for Addie but not for me!”
Bon says
This made me laugh.
Erin says
This is wonderful Judy! Enjoy your time with them! I am so happy for you and Vince!!!
Marie Gilkey says
Enjoy all the minutes hours and days that you get. So few and far between.
Sherrill says
Oh how FUN for you, Judy!! 10 DAYS!! YAY! Everyone’s going to have a great time (and I love the way Chad is holding Addie up by her suspenders–TOO CUTE!
Tricia says
What a great grandma you are! The balloons are perfect. I am so excited for you!
Barbara says
I am so very happy for you !!!!
Bon says
I don’t even have to tell you to have a great time. Post pictures.
Peg H says
How exciting! Can’t wait to hear all about their visit!
Dottie N. says
LOL, you’re not at all EXCITED!!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Stephani in N. TX says
Your Addie visit story reminded me of my grandparents walking to our farmhouse from the bus stop growing up in the Northeast. My grandma always had a big two-handled shopping big full of trinkets for us 5 children, including a small box of cookies for EACH child, our own private box, didn’t have to share. My grandparents were from the Old World, my grandmother did not speak English. It’s still a memory I treasure. Hard to say who enjoys it more, the granny or the grandchild. So happy for you.
Susan says
Oh my gosh, I know you are having a wonderful time and we’ll hardly hear anything from you, and that’s how it should be. When they go home, though, I expect a full album of photos shown off on here!
Vickie VanDyken says
Awesome!! I don’t get to see my Grandsons often so I totally understand. You all have a terrific time. We will catch up with you later 🙂 🙂 🙂 Go play, have fun. When your done post pictures!!
sharing your happiness.
Angie says
I know you are having fun! and making memories! What a wonderful Grammy you are! Enjoy every minute, every hour, every day! Maybe you can find a place to rent between your house and Chad’s house once or twice a year. That is what my friend does. Mini vacations. They have been doing twice a year since the grand children were small. Sometimes it’s just a weekend, or a holiday. Summer or Spring break. A cabin by a stream as I recall….
Have a wonderful week (I hope they are staying that long). Take lots of pictures to share! Hugs!
Susan says
You get the Gramma Of The Year award Judy! The balloons on the fence posts was a great idea! I can just imagine the look on Addie’s face when she see’s them :o) Enjoy the 10 wonderful days that you have with them!
Debbie Rhodes says
I see my three grands frequently… now one can even drive to my house!! but right now they are down in your state… Dallas… (son in law in tour playing in Lewisville) I miss them terribly.. they have only been gone 2 days!!
Melody says
So excited for you and Vince too! I know you will enjoy every moment!
Dorothy Schreyer says
Balloons and cupcakes…what a welcome!! She is a doll!