I remember this about my fabric reports from years ago. It was exactly the same as the yarn and I was buying fabric and adding to the stash and I kept saying I was going to do better and I never did and then one day . . I stopped! Almost instantly . . no more fabric buying. I suppose maybe that’s about the time I began buying yarn so hopefully I can stop buying yarn and not pick up any other “bad” habits.
I’m feeling good about my yarn buying. There are a couple of projects coming up that may require a yarn purchase but at least it wouldn’t be just yarn with no purpose. Laura Aylor has an adorable sweater that will probably need sport weight yarn and it will need to be something not hairy (not alpaca) and something in a good tone on tone so the stitches show. I doubt I have anything in my stash that will work for that.
Rililie has a new pattern, Rhombing Around, that should be out any day . . could be out by now for all I know. It uses sport weight yarn and I may have enough Cascade 220 Sport to make it but I may not. I’ll have to see.
I love Kodiak and so far I’ve resisted ordering yarn.
Back to the stash report . . before I do something crazy like order yarn!
This week I finished I finished Sandpiper Shawl, which was a test knit for Laura Aylor. I love it. I loved knitting it and can’t wait to wear it, though I’m thinking it might make a great gift for someone . . I’ll think about that. It took 4 skeins of yarn.
I finished Pixelated Pullover and it took 9 skeins of yarn.
Nothing was added.
Used this week: 13 skeins
Used since 1/1/2015: 52 skeins
Added this week: 0 skeins
Added since 1/1/21015: 133 skeins
Net Used since 1/1/2015: 81 skeins (red means I’ve added more than I’ve used).
I’ll be back in the black before you know it! 🙂
Joan B. says
Good job on the yarn use front! You may need to start counting kitchen gadgets next! A girl is entitled to her vices!
Amy (Waunaknit) says
Way to go! Keep it up!
Swooze says
Great job! What else do you have on the needles besides the Booga Bag?