Thank you all for your kind words, good thoughts and prayers. My eye is no better, maybe just a tad worse but I probably did way too much yesterday. Vince was chastising me a bit last night for having done more than I should and I told him . . the doctor told me to do what I always do. Vince said . . he probably has no idea what you do though. Maybe . . I’ll do less today.
Last night we were outside at almost midnight and I said “Look . . someone is shooting fireworks!” Vince couldn’t see it, despite me showing him exactly the direction I was seeing them and then I realized . . it’s my eye playing tricks on me . . on July 4 no less. The shape of the “fuzz” has changed. It was long and stringy and just floating around. Now there are several round rings and they remind me of smoke rings.
Maybe today I can get some knitting time in . . that’s my plan but that’s been my plan for the past week or so and it hasn’t happened.
Kathy McCrea says
Take care Judy and pay attention if the situation changes. I had what looked like to be a piece of mascara floating around my right eye and some fireworks and ended up with a small retina tear. The retina specialist was surprised I figured out that something was wrong. I said that something was different after a few flashes of light over a few days when there shouldn’t have been light. The internet can be a scary place to look things up, but it is a useful resource when different symptoms show up.
Michelle Harrison says
Judy, I thought about you often yesterday. I hope today you ARE taking it easy. It is not that difficult to knit without looking. You probably do it a lot when you have the television on. Aside from heels and toes, maybe you can get ahead on some socks. I found I really like knitting extra warm woolen socks with worsted weight or chunky weight yarn and they go fairly quickly.
Elaine says
Judy at one time I had floaters too, but mine were not as bad as yours. I was told that if I saw lights like are you are describing, call your doctor back now! Take care and I hope everything will be all right, hugs.
Helen Koenig1 says
Judy – I had floaters – big awful ones directly in my line of vision – and went to see the eye dr. He told me that they were floaters BUT if I ever had sparks of light show up – like fireworks – to get myself to the doctors – that my retina was trying to detach. This is nothing to mess around with!
My dd had a horrible accident occur as a result of a foal kicking her in the eye. They were able to save her eye which was almost completely removed from her body but told her that she was unbelievably fortunate that she didn’t have retinal detachment in one or both eyes (eyes tend to “link together” sort of in sympathy with one another). She has ongoing visual concerns now but so far she has been fortunate that she hasn’t had either the glaucoma nor cataracts that they predicted. Still – she could develop them and is still high risk for retinal detachment.
Deanna says
When my eyes do that it is light and means a migraine. They are sort of like flash bulbs going off in my brain and line of sight. Sometimes there is not pain, but I feel a little disoriented. Water, salt and Excedrin help. I am sorry to hear of your troubles. Don’t push too hard and get to the eye doctor.
Gwen says
Please take care! Check in with your eye doctor about changes. The recovery from retina surgery is no fun at all and you want to avoid it if you can.
Sharon in Michigan says
Vicky says
Judy, get your butt out of the garden and call the doctor. What you are seeing has changed from floating to circles. That doesn’t sound good. Are we all going to have to come over there and hog-tie you to get you to take care of yourself? xoxo
Judy D in WA says
What Vicky said! I’ve been thinking about you and then I see you did all that canning and my first thought was OH BOY JUDY!!! Take care my friend. I worry.
Carolyn says
TG for computers and the ability to look something up! I bet there are a lot of people who would have ignored that spider web and waited till after the holiday to call someone and do something about it!
liz says
I concur with the advice of calling the doc ASAP.
As I was having the vitreous detachment, I was told to call immediately if there were more flashes or narrowing of vision.
Praying for ya…. and Call the doc!
Oh, why do emergencies always happen on holiday weekends?
Vivian Oaks says
I think today is a good day to knit – then you’re at least sitting, and not bending over plants in the garden, chasing chickens, and the myriad other things you do every day. Listen to hubby!!! (For a change-LOL!!!) 🙂
Karen says
I’m with Vicky on this one – quit what you’re doing and call the doctor. Please! Take care. Prayers and hugs coming your way.
Pat says
I was told to be still and not bend over, not watch tv, or read but we were in NZ at the time. Call the Dr. If any change even on a weekend. If you saw flashing, you need to call. Protect your eyes!
Angie says
So sorry to hear about your eye. I had an eye problem a few months ago and the Dr. suggested to no reading (eye movement), no sewing, and stay out of bright light (indoors and out) not bend over or lift anything for at least a week, to stay off the computer too. Computer screens are very hard on our vision. If you are seeing different things than what you saw when you went to the doctor, I would definitely call and let them know. I spent a lot of time in the recliner listening to audiobooks and music which I had no real time for before this eye incident. Eyes closed spells rest. Actually I felt much better after a week. Enforced rest was a good thing! for my whole body, not just my eye.
Robin says
I can sympathize and empathize with you as I have been having the same problem for the past couple months now. I started with what seemed to be a dark flash in my right eye which seemed like I was blinking but wasn’t. Went to my eye doc as I always knew that with my history of severe nearsightedness , I was at high risk for a retinal detachment- but known was seen. The next week, out of the blue came this large floater which reminds me of a jelly fish happily swimming around in my eye and also began to notice the bright flashes when moving my head or driving when it is dark. So off to an eye surgeon I went who examined my eye, didn’t appear concerned and said I will probably have the same thing happen in the left eye and he would check me in a month, call if it worsens, but no real explanation. Thanks so much for the link you gave as it explains my problem to a tee. By the way, the floater which I have named Clyde still happily swims around and my return visit amounted to call if things change or worsen otherwise I will see you in a year and dictation of stuff that I didn’t understand. And I am a nurse!!. Sometimes I have noticed a spider web look worse when I am in the sunlight. The floater is more noticeable in the bright sun and bothers me bouncing back and forth when I am doing something where my eyes are shifting.
Hang in there girl. I’m thinking about you. Of course everyone is different so if you have a concern then by all means get it checked out.
Judy S says
So sorry to hear about your eye issues, Judy. I had something similar a few years ago, and it took about 3 weeks for my vision to clear. At the time the doc said it might occur in the other eye which it did, but not as severely. At this point except for the floaters, my eyes are doing OK, and here’s hoping the same for you!!! Take it easy and check back with your doc ASAP.
Firelei says
Judy, as a RN I am greatly concerned about your vision. The changes you describe today are significant and you really need to call your doctor now if you haven’t already done so. Don’t wait! Let him know now and decide the next step which could still be wait but let him decide! Yes, you could get by with vision only in one eye, but it would be better to not have to do so. And gosh, if you could have prevented vision loss, well you would be very upset with yourself! I know you don’t want to slow down and it isn’t part of your plan and things have to get done and you have to do them etc, but first you have to take care of yourself. As Angie suggested, enforced temporary rest could be a good thing for your entire body! Bottom line, let your doctor know about the changes and let him determine if your vision changes warrant a change in your current care plan. A small retinal tear is much easier to treat than a large one. And the flashing is a sign of a retinal tear. Please take care of yourself and your vision!
A couple of good sites to read would be:
Dianne S. says
Call the doctor immediately!!!
Dottie N. says
Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Judy…..
Linda says
Ya, whey I had mine it was a bright white flash in the corner of my eye, especially when I blinked.
Peg H says
Oh dear, apparently I’ve missed something. Or a few days’ worth of somethings probably. I have no eye horror story to share (lucky you!), but whatever’s going on please take care. {{{hugs}}}
Susan says
I have no advice to offer, just prayers for your vision to improve.
AmyM says
good wishes for a speedy recovery!