Our friends from Missouri made it yesterday and I was so glad to see them. Jeanne and I can sit and talk for hours . . and we’ve sat and talked for hours.
Having RV hookups and having an easily accessible place to park an RV are two very different things. Their RV is 30′ long and it wasn’t easy getting it where it needed to be. Between the trees, the guy wire, the septic tank and a very sharp turn . .
I wasn’t sure they were going to get it in the right position but John was amazing with his ability to back it up and turn it and get it right.
It’s a good thing we cut that tree or the slide out would not have slid out!
It’s so nice to get to spend time with friends. Jeanne even offered to help clean the sewing room but so far, we have not. Believe it or not, John needed to go to Home Depot today so we ran down there. How lucky am I that if it isn’t Vince wanting to go to Home Depot, it’s my guests wanting to go to Home Depot.
Donna Williams says
You are a good friend. I am sure she is enjoying you as much as you are enjoying her. Y’all have fun!
Erin says
Very nice Judy! Enjoy your time with them!
Karen says
have fun with your guests – always nice to have a place to park the RV!
Sherrill says
I’d rather go to Home Depot than WalMart anyday!! The lines are so much shorter and quicker (normally) than at WalMart! LOL
Janet says
It’s great to spend time with friends-enjoy every minute of it! I’m curious to know how Boots reacted to new people-was he just as friendly as he is to you?
Linda says
Ah, so nice to have a good friend to sit and chat with for hours. I’m happy for you!
Sheri says
Have a fun time with your friends!
Susan says
Well, that tears it. I’m NO good at backing and turning and fudging. Paul was fabulous, but I just don’t do well. Guess I won’t be barging in on you after all, because mine is also a 30′. And anyway, I don’t have a truck any more. =)