Over the weekend I finished the socks for my dad using the Arctic Qiviut yarn. This yarn is made from the inner wool of the muskox and is supposed to be extremely warm. Supposedly, it is stronger and 8 times warmer than sheep’s wool, it doesn’t shrink at all and it’s softer than cashmere! This sock yarn, though is not 100% arctic qiviut. It’s 35% Qiviut, 40% Superwash Merino, 15% Bamboo and 10% nylon so we’ll see how they hold up and if they’re as warm as they say they are.
I was very careful to make notes for the rows of each color so it was easy to match up the stripes in the second sock. As I was knitting, I noticed my hands turning blue from the excess dye in the yarn so I decided to give the finished socks a soaking in “Soak“.
I’ve seen worse cases of dye discharging . . though the picture is a nice reflection of everything sitting around my bathroom sink!
A few minutes on the clothes line on a sunny, dry day (yesterday) and they are ready for a trip to Louisiana where I hope they keep my dad’s cold toes nice and toasty warm!
Viki Kirby says
Wonderful! I bought a ball of qiviut, 1/2 qiviut and 1/2 silk for a scarf when I was in Alaska. I’m trying my hand on a few projects first to get my skills up before tackling it. It is so soft! I might just keep the ball for touching, then I don’t have to worry about messing up.
Susan says
They look great. I know your dad will appreciate them, and it looks like he’ll find plenty of use for them!
Crystal D-G in WA says
They’re beautiful. I’m going to check out that yarn for myself.
Bev Austin says
What a wonderful gift for your Dad. The stripes turned out great! Hope he enjoys them.
Judy H says
What great socks! I’m sure he’ll love them!