They are everywhere! Critters!!
This morning Vince went out and then came back in and said “get your camera”. I never know what that may mean.
Don’t ask me why we have about 60 of these blue buckets sitting out by the carport . . some of them were used to cover tomatoes from frost but Vince kept buying them. Oh . . I think it has something to do with the way he’s setting the irrigation system up for the fruit trees . . I’m not sure.
Day before yesterday, it was so humid when we got up that water was dripping off the metal roof of the shop. It doesn’t have gutters so I lined some buckets up to catch the water and . . in this bucket of water was a toad. We so rarely see frogs or toads around here.
I don’t think he was able to get out of the bucket on his own so Vince rescued him. Vince asked me if I wanted to kiss him. After the discussion we had this morning . . maybe!! 🙂
Speaking of critters, I wish you could have seen Vince last night! Just about dusk, he decided he wanted a pizza. We can’t get delivery out here so he debated about what to do. I wasn’t even hungry because we had a late lunch but he was determined he had to have a pizza so we went to Domino’s. Vince walked out the door ahead of me and I was doing something and not paying a whole lot of attention. He still hasn’t learned that you dump your shoes and bang them on the concrete several times before sticking your foot in. We leave our shoes on the back porch and I mostly wear flip flops because I can see if there’s a critter in my shoes.
Vince put his Crocs on, took about 2 steps and did some kind of dance, acrobatic act . . his shoe went flying across the yard but not before some kind of spider that was about as big as an bantam egg came out of the shoe. Vince stuck his foot in there with that spider and when the spider moved . . it scared the heck out of Vince. I guess it would scare anyone! I’m thinking he’ll be checking his shoes before he puts them on now. He said it was a spider that doesn’t bite .. not even sure what it was but it was big and he’s lucky it wasn’t a Black Widow or Brown Recluse. Maybe the spider in his shoe is what precipitated that conversation we had this morning! 🙁
Helen Koenig1 says
Yuck – don’t care if the toad WERE a prince in disguise! (Now, if the toad were one of a COUPLE of “princes” – hmmm – might have to rethink that last statement a bit!)
Re sticking his feet in the shoes – Geez! Am glad Vince didn’t get bitten by anything – could have been ANY kind of spider – or even a snake! Yuck! (Of course, you COULD look at it from the spider or snake’s point of view – peacefully sleeping – and here comes a big old smelly foot that is just bound to squish the daylights out of you! Yeah – I’d be a bit scared too!)
AngieG9 says
I wish you had a video of Vince dancing with the spider in his shoe. I’ve always heard about having to check the shoes before putting them on when on camping trips. I think I’m glad I live in Kentuky. We put up with a lot of things here, but not spiders in shoes or as many critters as you have there.
Linda Steller says
Eww, Eww, EWWWWW! I’m gonna be checking for spiders all day, and my shoes are in the house! Actually, I need to re-seed part of my lawn today and went to get a bale of straw yesterday. When I got home and went to get the wheelbarrow, there were a bunch of spiders happily inhabiting it. It was stood up on end in my old garden and I guess they found the inside a nice shelter for the constant westerly wind. I shooed them out with a broom because I didn’t want to pick one up with part of the straw. Well, I guess I’d best get to work.
Diana in RR, TX says
We do have toads here and every so often the girls think they should chase one. So far they haven’t been unlucky enough to catch one. The folks German Shepherd caught one at the shore one year-she never chased them after that! And they are good bug eaters!
kaholly says
What fun!! It’s amazing what you see if you take the time to look!! Enjoy!