Baby chicks are so soft and cuddly! I could sit and hold it all day but . . who would chase down the grasshoppers and stomp them if I were to sit and hold a baby chick all day? 🙂
There should be a sister or a brother tomorrow. It’s so funny to watch Mean Chicken with the baby. I don’t think the other 11 hens in the coop have even noticed there’s a baby in the house!
AngieG9 says
So cute. Too bad she’s not big enough to eat the grasshoppers yet, but they do grow fast. I remember how soft they are. We used to sneak them in the house, but Mom could always hear the peeping and come and catch us with them, so we had to take them back out.
Judy H says
AAAAAAWWWWWW!!!! Adorable! 🙂
Janet says
She’s very cute! I like the light markings around the neck. Any signs of the rest of the kittens?
Doe in Mi says
That baby is just to cute for words. Wish I could cuddle with it. 😎
kwiltnkats says
So adorable. I say you cuddle for part of the day! Sandi
Linda Steller says
So cute!