My granddaughter will be hunting and fishing and competing with her duck call skills while most little girls will be taking dancing and going to cheerleader camp.

Addie Swimming
Chad and Nicole took Chad’s little blowup boat, filled it with water and they had a pool for Addie. When you have no pool toys, what works better than a couple of duck decoys and a duck call!
Those kids crack me up!
Linda Beasley says
Too funny!!! She is a beautiful baby.
Debi says
shirley bruner says
Erin says
Oh what a great picture! Love her! Keep them coming!!!! How smart are Chad and Nicole 🙂 Addie is going to love nature, as well as all that surrounds it!
Linda says
Cute, Cute, Cute picture. Beautiful granddaughter you have
Gwen says
Darling little girl and I know the perfect guy for her. He does seem to have a likeness for motorcycles and fast cars along with the hunting, and fishing!
Denise ~ Justquiltin says
Soo cute — just thnk of those little kids who only have rubber duckies to play with — not the real looking kind. 😉 She is eyeing that one in front of her a bit suspiciously tho.
AngieG9 says
Such a sweetheart. Chad (or maybe grandma) really should get her a small fishing pole and stock her “pond” with some goldfish so she can practice for the real thing in a couple of years. Bait the plastic hook with a gummy worm and she’ll have a real ball.
Donna says
So smart and too cute!!!!
Donna says
That looks like it should be on Duck Dynasty!!
Lynne in Hawaii says
This is just too cute. Her mom and dad are very creative. They have provided a cool, safe place to play and stimulating toys…it don’t get any better! (‘Cept if Grandma were there!)
KatieQ says
She is so adorable. I love this picture. It quacks me up too.
Diana says
LOL aww what a sweet baby .. Gotta make do with what one has available sometimes !LOL
Judy D in WA says
Oh Judy, this is just precious! She is getting so big and so stinkin’ adorable.
Judy Wolf says
Where there is a will, there is a way. Too cute!!
Anita says
quakes me up! she is adorable
Susan says
That’s great! I have a suspicion that this will not hurt her girlishness at all. Might cut down on some of that drama when she’s a teen, though. =)
Celia says
This is so cute! Love it. This is one of those photos they can blackmail her when we is a teen!
Dar in MO says
I love it and I think Addie does too. Being an outdoor girl (or a tomboy as they called it in my day) is a good thing. It helps to be able to hunt, fish and look beautiful all at the same time! She is such a beauty.
Dawn says
Addie looks so happy with her duck friends. I must confess I have a niece whom my brother tried to turn into the “boy he never got”. She is now 21 but in the past has beat boys older than she in ice fishing competitions, etc. one such competition when she was about 14 was she won an archery contest and got to go turkey hunting with Matt Light the football player. she was in heaven! you just never know….
Kay L Ford-Sollimo says
I’m sure that you have downloaded and saved all of these great photos of Addie. Right?We grandmothers who don’t have easy and frequent visits find them the next best thing to get our “baby-fix”. Plus the short videos that most digital cameras afford. Mine get repeated viewings. Enjoy! Enjoy! Those baby days are fleeting.
Linddylou says
Hey it works!!!!!!!!
Helen Koenig1 says
LOL – I love this! Too cute!!!!
Regina says
lol – too cute
Diana Purdy says
Judy, this picture of Addie is priceless! She looks like she’s enjoying her swim with her ducks! She’s probably wondering why they aren’t calling back! Has Addie seen the Gracie and Houdi yet, that’s going to be a true photo op! 🙂
Sheri says
She is such a cutie-pie!
Linda Steller says
Well, that’s using their noggins! Such a cute picture.
Amy (Waunaknit) says
That’s adorable!
Andrea says
OMG my grandparents used to do that for me, but the boat was yellow and I didn’t have decoys in with me. Maybe it’s a MO thing? lol
Rebecca says
Smart parents! Why buy single-use stuff? (Like those horrid rigid plastic pools).
Also, the boys are going to LOVE her when they got old enough,