Yay! It’s time to see the pooling socks from the challenge. If you don’t remember the “rules”, please click on the sock in the left sidebar. Mainly, be sure that you posted a picture of your yarn before you started knitting. The link box will close after midnight on June 1 so get your blog posts done and your links added. Both socks must be completed. I failed! 🙁
Next week I will get the Loopy elves from The Loopy Ewe to do the judgment for a winner and then I will draw a random number for the consolation prize. The Loopy elves are busy so I’m not sure when they’ll choose the winner but I’ll let you know as soon as I hear.
Thanks to all who tried . . it was a fun challenge, huh? Even if you didn’t get pooling, post those socks anyway and be eligible for the consolation prize.
Below are two pairs of socks made by Paula, who doesn’t have a blog. If anyone else sent me sock pictures (and I think someone did!) please holler at me quickly so I can get those posted.

Paula 1

Paula 2
And, here are Sharon’s.

Maggie says
Mine didn’t pool a bit, but I did enjoy knitting along. Thanks for the challenge!
lynne quinsland says
well,my yarn was amazing for pooling in the first sock. then, i got bored with that colorway and started another sock yarn in a pretty icecream sherbet colorway that was as self-striping as can be. totally lived up to the picture on the wrapper when i bought it. didnt think i would get back to the second sock for the pretty pooling yarn (that was pretty stripy in the picture on the wrapper) but encouragement got me to atleast cast on and to give it a go today to get it done on time…..have gotten about an inch done is all…better get crackalacking!
Inka from Germany says
I just linked my socks but did a wrong Picture on #9, I hope this doesn´t matter, the link is correct. I had lots of fun knitting these socks and I think I would not have done three pairs without the challenge. So thank´s a lot, Judy!
Glen in Louisiana says
How many times have I proclaimed that I don’t need another hobby? Well, I signed up for a sock knitting class last week!!! You finally hooked your claws into me!
Linda Steller says
I don’t think mine is really pooling, but it’s got a nice striping effect. I’ll get a post up on my blog so you can see them. I don’t think I’ve put them there since I turned the heel! ;D
Linda Steller says
Oh – I forgot – I didn’t finish my socks, so I don’t qualify for the challenge. I’ll put a photo up though!
Judy Whitehead says
No pooling and my socks aren’t finshed. But I’m liking them. The striping is sort of candy cane twisting, but it’s not pooling. ;>)
Judy S says
Congrats to the winners! My yarn wasn’t cooperating, so they got put on hold as I needed to get serious about some grandbaby knitting. The one photo of yours on the sidebar, Judy, would have been my pick….love the colors! Hope you finish them!