My husband is not a mechanic. He can fix lots of things but seeing him with a hood up on a vehicle . . not what you want to see.

Ailing Honda
It’s probably the starter but it isn’t going anywhere. That means we’ll probably have to get a tow truck out here to get it to the shop. Why couldn’t it have been this vehicle!

The old pickup is good for running around here but it’s so past time to get rid back to having two vehicles — the Highlander and a full size pickup. Not gonna happen but for now, we’re down to having just the Highlander and the S-10 running. That’s the way of life when you drive old vehicles. I’m just glad the Honda decided to give out at home instead of leaving us stranded somewhere because it’s the vehicle we mostly use to run around town.
I do love the CRV and best case scenario, it’s the battery but I’d bet it’s the starter and that’s not so terrible to get fixed. It will probably be several weeks before the mechanic Vince uses can get to it though. One thing I definitely miss about MO is our mechanic. We had a good one there and he would have come to the house and messed with it and probably got it running enough to get it to his shop but . . we’re not in MO any more, are we?
Erin Russek says
we have that exact Honda CRV !
Susan says
This is why, with Paul gone, I have to keep a car that is relatively new and likely to run well. Sigh. At least my decent mechanic is only a couple miles away, though. Good luck with that!
Marion Morgan says
Funny that you miss a mechanic. We moved this year and we miss “Dave” so much. He took care of our car when my husband worked out of town, even picked me up, and others, from bridge group. Always kept our cars in good shape. You make those relationships over time so we are starting fresh. Will never be the same, but that ‘s life. Certain people just make a great difference in your life and you take them for granted even your mechanic.
Wendy says
We love our CRV. We’ve got the same one, even same color. Hope yours is fixed soon and it isn’t too expensive.
scrappyhappystarfishy says
If you have AAA you might be covered for towing expenses from your house to the garage. Worth calling to ask about! Good luck! My truck is headed to the garage SOON! For the time being – it is grounded, I am just happy it got me from Point A to Point B – but it started making a horrible noise at the tail end of a long trip. Cheers! Evelyn
Fran says
My Camry went dead last Saturday in the Kroger parking lot with a trunk load of just bought groceries! Nice gentleman stopped to give the battery a jump start. Half way home, it went dead again at a stop light, Another jump got me to a mearby parking lot. Of course, husband was “outback” bush hogging the trails (we live in the country, too), and he didn’t have his cell phone with him. Thank god for good friends that know something about engines, because one call to them and they packed a few tools, an extra battery and headed my way. They helped me limp my car home. DH was just walking out of the woods when we arrived. He had gotten the tractor stuck. Anyway a trip to the car parts store to buy a new battery and a handy husband had me up and running again (thankfully nothing more than the battery). The food did not go bad, although I wasn’t sure of that until we ate it…we like to live on the edge, ha!
Karen S. says
My husband is so much like yours! Smart mind and a whiz at most things but when it comes to anything that runs on gasoline….forget it! He tried to fix our lawnmower once and guess what…we ended up with a new one!
Angie says
If it’s one of the newer vehicles, built in the last 10-15 yrs. they are literally impossible to trouble shoot or fix anyway—no matter if Vince was a wiz mechanic. My husband can fix anything, but he no works on our SUV. He will work on his older pickup and the tractors. Your problem is probably battery related. Let’s hope so as that is an easy fix. We just had our battery go out in town, and triple A came and replaced it right on the spot. There batteries have the best warranty and are better priced than any we could have purchased any other place. This was our first experience using triple A for starting problems, They were great to work with.
AngieG9 says
I have a really cute son–smart mouth but no brain to back it up, but he can fix anything. He was working on half million dollar farm equipment at 4 years old. He kept my old 91 Camry going for me, and when it was time for me to give up the keys I gave him the car, and he is still driving it. It has one defective part that he keeps having to replace about once every 3 months, but since it only costs $10 and gas to fill his truck up costs a week’s pay he figures he is coming out ahead. Mike is my “go to” guy for anything I need fixed, except my head, which he tells me is a lost cause. Like I said, smart mouth, no brain to back it up.