One of the techs at Speck’s vet’s office is having a baby girl in mid June. I had this circus panel and I had added some borders and thought it would make a cute baby quilt.
This fabric was in my stash and I am using it for the backing.

Backing Fabric
If all goes well today, I’ll get this quilted and get it bound soon. Speck needs his nails’ trimmed so I can deliver the quilt and get his nails trimmed at the same time!
Erin says
I love it! She will too!!!!
Anne C. says
So cute! What a wonderful gift!
Sandra Richardson says
Aw, that’s adorable!
Susan says
Great baby quilt! I was thinking on the next post about your fabrics – don’t you love how we all tell you what to do? =) At least my opinion was odd woman out. LOL
AngieG9 says
Big sigh. I’m still in the process of building up a new stash and forever mouring my old one that was taken from me forever and given to a former sister-n-law that I was never fond of. That is a beautiful baby quild though. She will grow up with it, loving the life out of it, as it should be.
Angie in SoCal says
What a wonderful panel! I like how it has so many colors
Linda Steller says
Very cute! She’ll love it.
Donna F says
That’s adoreable! I had a quilt when I was a baby and carried it around til I was about 10 or so when it went missing. I have never forgotten it and never will. (My brother hid it from me. He thought I was turning into the kid from Charlie Brown) I hope she will love it like I did mine.
Diana says
Very nice .. She will love it .. You are a dear for thinking of her …